Time Management

Time Management Tips

Be Realistic


Break It Down

Set Boundaries

Remove What You Can

Focus on the Big Picture

Create a Time Budget

Picture this, you have $5 to spend on lunch. You go to the cafeteria and spend $5 on fries. After you are done you are thirsty and want to buy a juice, but you can't because you already spent your budget.

A time budget works the same way. Every day you have 24 hours, how will you best spend each one? Creating a time budget is a great way to help manage stress, be productive, and make sure there is time to spend with people who are important to you.

Creating Your Own 24 Hour Budget

Create a 4 columned chart on a piece of paper, or save the "Time Inventory Sheet" onto your phone or device that we have created below.





Complete your Schedule

For a more detailed look at how you are spending your time, try tracking your activities for a week using the Time Inventory Sheet below.

24 Hour Time Budget

Time Inventory Sheet

Time Inventory Instructions
Time Management/Inventory/Budget

Books about Time Management - Available in the Dover Bay Library

Project You

by Aubre Andrus and Karen Bluth