Password: LeanderPay101




Please be aware that the webstore vendor does charge a transaction fee.

Fee Breakdown:

  1. If your club/class fee is $20 or less, they will charge $.70 per transaction.

  2. If your club/class fee is greater than $20, they charge 3.5% of the amount collected. So, if you charge $50.00, $48.25 will be deposited into your club/class account, and the vendor will get the other $1.75. If you need $50.00 to be deposited into your club/class account, you will need to charge $51.81 (amount needed/.965).

  3. If Fees/Dues will include a t-shirt/graduation cord, etc., be aware that tax will be collected on those items. Always figure in the tax into the fee/due. If you don’t adjust the fee to include that tax or you will end up losing money.

    • Collecting class fees of $40, which includes $20 for a shirt. You will indicate charging $20 for the shirt (cost of shirt plus tax), and the remainder is class fees and EdPay fee. I will report sales tax only on the $20 shirt.

    • If funds you collect are taxable whether it's via webstore or deposited using conventional methods will be declared in that month's tax report. Tax will be owed for any funds that will be used to purchase items that will become the students property. For more information regarding this please get with your bookkeeper.


  1. When you fill out the description/instructions for the item be sure to look at what you are selling through the purchaser’s eyes. What information do they need to know?

  2. Make sure the Item price covers the cost of the product, the 3.5% platform fee, and any sales tax 8.25% (if applicable).

    • Your price on the Online Store must cover these fees/tax but can't be more. If you overprice the items you're selling then this would be considered a fundraiser.

    • When figuring out the fees round up to the nearest $.25 cents.

  3. If you are selling t-shirts or other inventory items, we can shut down the sales when that inventory is depleted. On the form, you can fill in the number of Larges, Mediums, Smalls, etc. that you have to sell.

  4. Tax-Included or Tax-Exempt – If your item is taxable, please mark Tax-Included. If you have questions on whether the item is taxable or not, please contact the bookkeeper.

  5. You can upload an image or a form for your item. Your image can be a picture or clip art to represent your item. If you don’t have anything, EdPay can provide an icon.

  6. The Start and End dates must be within this school year.

    • If the items are part of fundraiser please make sure you have submitted the online fundraiser request and that is has been approved before starting the webstore process.

    • District will only approve fundraisers for the current school year.

  7. You can have a discount period for sales if you would like. An example would be the Prom Tickets that were sold at a discounted amount up until a certain date. Be sure to include instructions for the Discount Period.

  8. Collecting information from the Purchaser – Think about what information you would need from the Purchaser in order to complete the sale.

    • Student Name and ID # are recommended in case we have more than one John Smith.

    • A phone # or email is also good in case you need to contact the purchaser.

  9. You can contact me for an updated sales report weekly.

    • If you have time-sensitive sales such as Musical Tickets or Prom Tickets, you may request to have an update on sales daily-just email me whenever the report is needed.