The Revenues and Cash Processes manual has been released and can be found here. Please take a moment to look it over it contains a lot of important information.

The preferred method for collecting dues/class fees/etc is to use the webstore (see the webstore tab for more information). If you do collect cash/checks, you MUST use a Tabulation of Monies Form. The student MUST initial on the form. This form needs to be turned in with the deposit bag and deposit form-see below for further instructions.


DO NOT keep money in your classrooms!

Money should be locked

  • Completed Deposits should immediately be turned into the campus bookkeeper or dropped in the safe in the hallway by the Bookkeeper's office.

  • Incomplete Deposits should be dropped into the school safe in the admin hallway for safekeeping. Place all items in an envelope (or deposit bag) with class/club name, account number, and sponsor name. Please do not write anything on the Deposit bag.


  1. Get a deposit bag and a Standard Deposit Form from the bookkeeper. Fill out the Tabulation of Monies Collected form as cash/checks are given to you. (One line for each amount submitted.)

  2. Fill in the Account name (Student Council, AG-BARN, etc.)

  3. Fill in the Account Number (4295, 3085, etc).

    • Deposits must be for a single account/activity. Use a separate form for each account/activity you're depositing.

  4. Please be sure to select either "Taxable", "Tax Exempt", or "Not Taxable". If collecting Club Dues (Not Taxable) and t-shirts (Taxable) are included in one fee, indicate on the deposit form how much of the deposit is Taxable and how much is Not Taxable. Also indicate if this is one of your student club tax-free holidays.

  5. Cash and Check Requirements: Record all funds collected on the deposit form as well as the Tabulations of monies. (see below for specific procedures)

  6. Total the amounts submitted and fill in the "Total Contributed" field.

  7. Sign and date the form. 2 signatures are needed on the form.

  8. Bona Fide Student Groups need 1 club officer (treasurer) signature and 1 sponsor signature verifying the deposit.

    • Please be sure to count independently in the same room for an accurate deposit total and write the date is was verified.

  9. All other accounts need 2 - sponsor and another staff member signatures verifying the deposit.

    • Please be sure to count independently in the same room for an accurate deposit total and write the date is was verified.




  1. The money needs to be counted (verified) by 2 people independently and both need to sign the deposit form. Student accounts can have their treasurer verify - non-student accounts need to have another staff member verify.

    • Please be sure to count independently in the same room for an accurate deposit total and write the date is was verified.

  2. Record all monies collected on the tabulation of monies form.

  3. PLEASE NOTE: Incorrect deposits overage/shortage will be deducted from your account.


  1. Checks must be made out to Rouse High School.

  2. Please make sure all checks have a Driver's License AND a Phone #.

  3. Please write your account’s ext # on the front of the check either in the memo line or above the date.

  4. Record all checks on the deposit form and have it verified.

    • Please be sure to count independently in the same room for an accurate deposit total and write the date is was verified.

  5. PLEASE NOTE: Returned check fees will be deducted from your account.


  1. Fill out the deposit form - record cash collected and checks

  2. The Cash & Coins are put in the top part of the deposit bag and this part gets sealed. Leave the coins loose in the top part of the bag. (District gets charged if the coins are rolled or put into baggies because they have to undo them to put in the coin counters.)

  3. The checks and the Deposit Forms (Deposit Form + Tabulation of Monies Collected or receipts) are put in the bottom section. The bottom section is left open so that I can process the deposit. A Tabulation of Monies Form (or some kind of receipt back-up) is required for all deposits!

  4. Please do not write anything on the Deposit bag.

  5. Always have some kind of paperwork (tabulation of monies) to back up your deposit. Ask yourself if a stranger were to look at your deposit will they be able to know where your money came from? Who gave you the money? Why did they give you the money? What are you going to do with the money?


Procedures before Break:

  • Please make sure you have all deposits turned in to the bookkeeper. An email will be sent with a date and time depending on the break.

  • LISD wants all funds deposited before a holiday to minimize the risk. If for some unforeseen reason you do not have time to prepare an official deposit, please put your funds in a deposit bag or sealed envelope. Write the name of your club, sponsor name, account number, and "DO NOT DEPOSIT" on the bag/envelope before turning it into the safe.

  • REMEMBER ALL FUNDS must be turned in to the bookkeeping safe (in Admin. hallway) before you leave on Friday, December 17th if it is not being deposited. Under absolutely no circumstances can money be left in desks, offices, lockboxes, or taken home with you over Winter break.

LISD policy for day to day cash handling states that all funds should be turned into the school office/bookkeeper as soon as possible upon receipt, at least by the end of the school day (event).

Keep funds secure at ALL times.

  • Completed Deposits should immediately be turned into the campus bookkeeper.

  • Incomplete Deposits should be dropped into the school safe in the admin hallway for safekeeping. Place all items in an envelope (or deposit bag) with class/club name, account number, and sponsor name. Please do not write anything on the Deposit bag.

  • DO NOT leave funds in the classroom or take them home with you. Also, DO NOT allow club officers to keep funds.


Deposit Reminders:

  1. Please make sure all checks have a Driver's License AND a Phone #.

  2. Please write your account’s ext # on the front of the check either in the memo line or above the date.

  3. The money needs to be counted by 2 people independently and both need to sign the deposit form.

  4. The Cash & Coins are put in the top part of the deposit bag and this part gets sealed. Leave the coins loose in the top part of the bag. (District gets charged if the coins are rolled or put into baggies because they have to undo them to put in the coin counters.)

  5. The checks and the Deposit Forms (Deposit Form + Tabulation of Monies Collected or receipts) are put in the bottom section. The bottom section is left open so that I can process the deposit. A Tabulation of Monies Form (or some kind of receipt back-up) is required for all deposits!

  6. Please do not write anything on the Deposit bag.

Other Important Items:

  • Please make sure that all of your high dollar equipment (cameras, calculators, etc.) has been locked up for the break.