Homebound Students
All Homebound students and/or homebound teachers can pick up the required PE TEXTBOOK FROM THE ILHS MAIN OFFICE. SEE MRS McCALL OR MRS ENGLISH FOR THE BOOK. The Personal Fitness text (Looking Good and Feeling Good is a BLUE COLOR book). Inside the book is a hard copy of the course syllabus and GOTCHA sheets.
All Homebound students and/or teachers should contact their PE teacher via email for more specifics.
It is the responsibility of the Homebound students/teachers to go on to our ILHS PE WEBSITE AND GOOGLE
for details of Homebound Expectations and Assignments.
Each day of Homebound, the student should COMPLETE:
Cognitive Domain (Written Element)
1 CHAPTER OF WORK-starting with Chapter 1
1. Answer the Chapter Objectives
2. Read the Chapter pages
3. Answer the Study Questions and Discussion Questions
Psychomotor Domain (Physical Motor Skill Element)
***If time permits and the student has all 14 Chapters completed, the student then needs to Design a Personal Fitness Exercise Plan AND Design a Personal Nutrition Plan. Both plans need to be over the course of 6 weeks. For questions, please contact the PE teacher.
All Homebound students are required to complete a FINAL EXAM at the end of the semester. Please contact the PE teacher for details.
For further inquiries, please contact Jerry Honeycutt, Natasha Rogers, Meg Morris or Mike Edwards.
Yours in Physical Education,
The ILHS PE Department