Exercise , Nutrition , and Life success Tips

Here are the key insights from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People :

1. Sharpen the saw. Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to recuperate, recharge and be effective in the long-term.

2. Be proactive. You have a natural need to wield influence on the world around you so don’t spend your time just reacting to external events and circumstances. Take charge and assume responsibility for your life.

3. Begin with an end in mind. Don’t spend your life working aimlessly, tackling whatever job is at hand. Have a vision for the future and align your actions accordingly to make it into a reality.

4. Put first things first. To prioritize your work, focus on what’s important, meaning the things that bring you closer to your vision of the future. Don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks.

5. Think win-win. When negotiating with other, don’t try to get the biggest slice of the cake, but rather find a division that is acceptable to all parties. You will still get your fair share, and build strong positive relationships in the process.

6. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. When someone presents us with a problem, we often jump right to giving a solution. This is a mistake. We should first take time to really listen to the other person and only then make recommendations.

7. Synergize. Adopt the guiding principle that in a group, the contributions of many will far exceed those of any individual. This will help you achieve goals you could never have reached on your own.

1. Embrace a Healthy Life Balance

Don't stress about your grades so much that you forget to have fun. This is supposed to be an exciting time in your life. On the other hand, don't let too much fun get in the way of your study time. Establish a healthy balance and don't let yourself go overboard either way.

2. Understand What Time Management Really Means

Sometimes, students assume there's some magical trick or shortcut to time management. Time management means being aware and taking action. Be aware of the things that waste time and reduce them. You don't have to stop them, just reduce them. Take action to replace time wasters with active and responsible study habits.

3. Eliminate Those Time Wasters

4. Find Tools that Work for You

There are many time management tools and tactics, but you'll find that you are more likely to stick with a few. Different people find different methods that work for them. Use a big wall calendar, use color-coded supplies, use a planner, or find your own methods of managing your time.

5. Choose Extracurricular Activities Wisely

You may feel pressured to select several extracurricular activities that might look good on a college application. This can cause you to overextend yourself and get swamped in commitments that you don't enjoy. Instead, select clubs and activities that match your passions and your personality.

6. Appreciate the Importance of Sleep

We all joke around a lot about the poor sleep habits of teens. But the reality is that you have to find a way to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to poor concentration, and poor concentration leads to bad grades. You're the one who pays the price if you don't sleep enough. Force yourself to turn off the gadgets and go to bed early enough to get a good night's sleep.

7. Do Things for Yourself

Are you the child of a helicopter parent? If so, your parent is not doing you any favors by saving you from failures. Parents who monitor every bit of a child's life, from waking them in the morning, to monitoring homework and test days, to hiring professionals to help with college preparations; those parents are setting students up for failure in college. Learn to do things for yourself and ask your parents to give you space to succeed or fail on your own.

8. Communicate with Your Teachers

You don't have to be best friends with your teacher, but you should ask questions, accept feedback, and give feedback when your teacher asks for it. Teachers appreciate it when they see that students try.

9. Practice Active Study Methods

Studies show that you learn more when you study the same material two or three wayswith a time delay between study methods. Rewrite your notes, test yourself and your friends, write practice essay answers: be creative and be active when you study!

10. Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Do Assignments

There are so many reasons you should get an early start on assignments. Too many things can go wrong if you procrastinate. You could come down with a bad cold on the night before your due date, you can find that you're missing some needed research or supplies--there are dozens of possibilities.

11. Use Smart Test Prep

Studies show that the best way to prepare for a test is to create and use practice tests. For best results, use a study group to create test questions and practice quizzing each other.

12. Eat Well to Feel Better

Nutrition makes a world of difference when it comes to brain function. If you feel groggy, tired, or sleepy because of they way you eat, your ability to retain and recall information will be impaired.

13. Improve Reading Habits

In order to remember what you read, you will need to practice active reading techniques. Stop every few pages to attempt to summarize what you've read. Mark and research any words that you can't define. Read all critical texts at least twice.

14. Reward Yourself

Be sure to find ways to reward yourself for every good result. Make time to watch a marathon of your favorite shows on the weekends, or take time to have fun with friends and let off a little steam.

15. Make Smart College Planning Choices

The goal of most high school students is to gain acceptance into a college of choice. One common mistake is to "follow the pack" and select colleges for the wrong reasons. Big football colleges and Ivy League schools might be great choices for you, but then again, you might be better off at a small private college or a middle-sized state college. Think about how the college you pursue really matches your personality and your goals.

16. Write Down Your Goals

There's no magical power to writing down your goals, except that it helps you identify and prioritize the things you want to accomplish. Turn your ambitions from vague thoughts to specific goals by making a list.

17. Don't Let Friends Bring You Down

Are your friends seeking the same goals as you? Are you picking up any bad habits from your friends? You don't have to change your friends because of your ambitions, but you should be aware of the influences that might affect you. Be sure to make choices based on your own ambitions and goals. Don't make choices just to make your friends happy.

18. Choose Your Challenges Wisely

You may be tempted to take honors classes or AP courses because they'll make you look good. Be aware that taking too many challenging courses can backfire. Determine your strengths and be selective about them. Excelling in a few challenging courses is much better than performing poorly in several.

19. Take Advantage of Tutoring

If you have the opportunity to receive free help, be sure to take advantage. The extra time you take to review lessons, solve problems, and talk over the information from class lectures, will pay off in your report cards.

20. Learn to Accept Criticism

It can be disheartening to find lots of red teacher's marks and comments on a paper you spent hours crafting. Take the time to read the comments carefully and consider what the teacher has to say. It's sometimes painful to read about your weaknesses and mistakes, but this is the only way to really avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over. Also notice any patterns when it comes to grammar mistakes or wrong word choices.

How the 4 week workout plan at home works

On four days a week, you’ll do a warm-up followed by circuits or an AMRAP workout (that’s as many rounds as possible within a set amount of time).

Wednesdays and Sundays are your cardio days – choose between HIIT training or a steady-pace session.

Week One


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:

1. Burpees (10 reps)

2. Crunches (20 reps)

3. Plank (30 secs)

4. Kneeling press-ups (40 reps)

5. Lunges (50 reps)

6. Running on the spot (60 secs)


Warm-up: 10-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 15 mins:

1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)

2. Bicycle crunches (80 secs)

3. Supermans (60 reps)

4. Sumo squats (40 reps)

5. Lying leg raises (20 reps)


Warm-up: 5-min light jog

Cardio: Run as far as you can in 24 mins, alternating between a 1-min sprint and a 2-min jog


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times:

1. Lying leg raises (1 min)

2. Lunges (1 min)

3. Sumo squats (1 min)

4. Running on the spot with bum kicks (1 min)

5. Rest (1 min)


Warm-up: 8-min light jog

Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times:

1. Glute bridges (50 reps)

2. Sumo squats (50 reps)

3. Kneeling press-ups (50 reps)

4. 200m run


Rest day


Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

Week Two


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:

1. Jump squats (10 reps)

2. Twisting sit-ups (20 reps)

3. Press-ups (30 reps)

4. 400m run


Warm-up: 15-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:

1. Running on the spot with bum kicks (100 reps)

2. Sumo squats (80 reps)

3. Hollow rocks (60 reps)

4. Curtsy lunges (40 reps)

5. Plank builders (20 reps)


Warm-up: 5-min light jog

Cardio: Run as far as you can in 24 mins, alternating between a 1-min sprint and a 1-min jog


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: AMRAP in 25 mins:

1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)

2. Sumo squats (80 reps)

3. Mountain climbers (60 reps)

4. Woodchops (40 reps)


Warm-up: 12-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:

1. Glute bridges (50 reps)

2. Sumo squats (50 reps)

3. Press-ups (50 reps)

4. 200m run


Rest day


Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

Week Three


Warm-up: 5-min jog

Workout: Complete the following circuit 3 times with a 1-min rest between exercises:

1. Burpees (30 secs)

2. Butterfly crunches (30 secs)

3. Triceps press-ups (30 secs)

4. Skipping (30 secs)


Warm-up: 12-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:

1. Step-ups (30 reps each leg)

2. Standing dumbbell shoulder presses (10 reps)

3. Medicine ball twists (30 reps)

4. Lying leg raises (10 reps)

5. Lunges (30 reps)

6. Dumbbell rows (10 reps)


Warm-up: 5-min jog

Cardio: Run for 28 mins, alternating between a 2-min sprint and a 2-min jog


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:

1. 200m run

2. Walkouts (10 reps)

3. Medicine ball twists (20 reps)

4. Pike press-ups (30 reps)

5. Overhead step-ups (30 reps per leg)

6. Plank (50 secs)


Warm-up: 10-min light jog

Workout: Complete the following circuit 5 times:

1. Squat hold (60 secs)

2. Jump squats (15 reps)

3. Crunches (30 reps)

4. Burpees (15 reps)

5. Butterfly crunches (15 reps)

6. Dumbbell thrusters (15 reps)


Rest day


Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

Week Four


Warm-up: 15-min jog

Workout: Take as long as you need to complete the following:

1. Sumo squats (150 reps)

2. Overhead split squats (100 reps)

3. Press-ups (50 reps)

4. Crunches (25 reps)


Warm-up: 10-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 20 mins:

1. Running on the spot with high knees (100 reps)

2. Bicycle crunches (80 reps)

3. Sumo squats (40 reps)

4. Lying leg raises (20 reps)


Warm-up: 5-min light jog

Cardio: Do these exercises one after the other:

1. Run 1km; then 50 skips with a skipping rope

2. Run 800m; then 30 burpees

3. Run 600m; then 25 mountain climbers

4. Run 400m; then 20 sumo squats

5. Run 200m; then 10 jump squats


Warm-up: 5 mins of skipping

Workout: Complete the following circuit 4 times:

1. Walkouts (60 secs)

2. Overhead split squats (60 secs)

3. Running on the spot with bum kicks (60 secs)

4. Rest (60 secs)


Warm-up: 12-min light jog

Workout: AMRAP in 30 mins:

1. Jump squats (60 reps)

2. Bicycle crunches (60 reps)

3. Lying leg raises (60 reps)

4. Plank builders (20 reps)

5. Burpees (15 reps)

6. Dumbbell thrusters (15 reps)


Rest day


Cardio: 45 mins of cycling, jogging, skipping, yoga or swimming

Weight Management (Example) Nutrition Plan

Grocery List:

  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Fresh/frozen berries
  • Other fresh fruit (bananas, grapefruit, apple etc)
  • High-fiber high-protein breakfast cereal
  • High-fiber/high-protein frozen waffles
  • Natural peanut butter
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat/fat-free milk
  • High-fiber/high-protein whole-grain bread
  • High-fiber/high-protein whole-grain tortillas
  • Large chicken breast
  • Lean skirt steak
  • Lean deli meat (turkey, roast beef)
  • Ground lean turkey breast
  • Canned tuna/salmon
  • Fresh/frozen fish (salmon, tilapia etc.)
  • Canned beans (black, lentil, pinto etc)
  • Fresh/frozen vegetables
  • Butternut squash
  • Baked/sweet potato
  • Avocado
  • Low-fat cheese (sliced and shredded)

Day 1

Breakfast: Triple berry medley smoothie

  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • ½ cup strawberries
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup high-fiber cereal
  • ½ cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup 1% or skim milk
  • 1 scoop whey protein powder
  • ½ cup ice cubes

Blend until smooth.

Lunch: Tropical chicken salad

  • 1 large cooked chicken breast, shredded
  • ¼ cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 1/3 cup pineapple, 1/3rd cup mango
  • 2 Tbsp chopped water chestnuts
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1-ounce almonds
  • A few slices of avocado

Serve with high-fiber whole-wheat crackers.

Dinner: Shrimp stir-fry

  • ½ lb cooked shrimp
  • ½ bag mixed frozen stir-fry vegetables
  • 2 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce and salt and pepper to taste

Toss all ingredients together in wok. Serve over ½ cup cooked brown rice.

Day 2

Breakfast: Spinach, onion, and feta cheese scramble on whole-wheat English muffin

  • 2 eggs + 2 eggs whites
  • 2 Tbsp low fat feta cheese
  • ¼ cup Vidalia onion, chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh or frozen spinach
  • 1 high-fiber whole-wheat English muffin
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Lunch: Tuna fish roll up with Minestrone soup

  • 1 cup Minestrone soup
  • 1 can of tuna (canned in water)
  • 2 Tbsp low fat mayo
  • 1 tsp whole-grain mayonnaise
  • Sliced tomato and lettuce
  • 1 whole-wheat high-fiber wrap

Dinner: Garlic chicken

  • 1 large chicken breast
  • ¼ cup whole wheat bread crumbs
  • 1/8-cup skim milk
  • ¼ garlic clove
  • 1 tsp Tabasco and lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in plastic bag. Toss chicken in bag and coat. Bake at 350 degrees for ~20 minutes. Serve with: ½ cup whole-wheat couscous and 1 cup zucchini/summer squash medley.

Day 3

Breakfast: Peanut butter & banana sandwich

  • 2 slices whole-wheat bread (with at least 4g fiber per slice)
  • 2 tbsp. peanut butter
  • 1 sliced banana
  • 1 tsp drizzle honey
  • Toast whole-wheat bread

Spread peanut butter and top with bananas, drizzle with honey and enjoy.

Lunch: Chicken pizza with roasted veggies

  • 1 large chicken breast
  • ½ cup tomato sauce
  • ¼ cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup chopped vegetables (broccoli, mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini)
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • Salt and pepper
  • Non-stick cooking spray

Spray baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Place chicken breast and vegetables on sheet, and season with salt and pepper. Spray vegetables with non-stick cooking spray, then spoon tomato sauce on top of chicken. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 min or until chicken is cooked through. When 5 minutes left, top chicken with cheese and let melt until finished cooking

Dinner: Crunchy baked tilapia

  • 6 ounces tilapia topped with 3 tsp Kellogg’s high-fiber bran cereal, baked
  • 1 cup sautéed high-fiber vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, carrots)
  • 1 small baked sweet potato

Day 4

Breakfast: Strawberry oatmeal

  • 3/4 cup cooked oats
  • 1 scoop strawberry protein powder (or other flavored powder)
  • 1 cup of sliced strawberries
  • 1/2 cup of banana

Lunch: Chicken and red onion quesadillas with side salad

  • ¼ cup red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/3-cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4-cup low-fat cheddar cheese
  • 1 large boneless chicken breast, cooked and shredded
  • 2 high-fiber whole-wheat tortillas

Combine onions and vinegar in bowl and marinate for 5 minutes. Drain the onions and set aside. Spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray, and heat over medium heat. Add onions, and cook until onions have softened, about 5-7 min. Transfer to bowl and set aside. Place tortillas in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat (they will overlap). Warm for about 45 seconds on each side.

Sprinkle cheese on each tortilla. Cover cheese with the shredded cooked chicken and top the chicken with the marinated onions. Fold the tortillas in half, press gently with a spatula to flatten, and cook for about 2 minutes, until the cheese begins to melt. Flip the quesadilla and cook for another 1-2 minutes, until the second side is golden brown. Serve with side mixed green salad and 1 tbsp. light dressing

Dinner: Spicy chicken sausage and whole-wheat penne

1 low-fat chicken sausage

1 cup chopped mushrooms and red pepper

½ cup whole-wheat penne

¼ cup tomato sauce

1 tsp. red pepper chili flakes

Spray skillet with non-stick cooking spray and sauté pre-cooked low fat chicken sausage, mushrooms, and red-bell pepper in pan. Toss over cooked pasta and tomato sauce. Service with side mixed green salad and 1 tbsp. light dressing.

Day 5

Breakfast: Berry parfait

  • 1/2 cup low fat Plain Greek Yogurt + ¼ cup low fat Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup cherries
  • ½ cup blackberries
  • ¾ cup high-fiber cereal (suggested: Go Lean Vanilla Almond Crunch)

Lunch: Greek bowl

  • 4-6 ounces cooked lamb, cut into cubes
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp chopped fresh garlic
  • ½ tsp oregano
  • ½ red pepper, diced
  • ¼ cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 2 Tbsp low fat feta cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 whole-wheat high-fiber pita

Combine all ingredients in bowl. Serve with whole-wheat pitas and Tzatziki sauce. Tzatziki sauce: ¼ cup plain Greek yogurt, ½ cucumber diced, lemon juice, minced parsley and dill, salt and pepper to taste

Dinner: Salmon with mixed vegetable quinoa

  • 6 oz baked salmon, seasoned with salt, pepper, and fresh lemon juice
  • ½ cup cooked quinoa with 1-cup sautéed mixed vegetables

Day 6

Breakfast: Oatmeal blueberry pancakes (serves 6)

  • 2 ½ cups old-fashioned oats
  • 6 egg whites, beaten
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • Non-stick cooking spray

Blend all ingredients (except blueberries) in blender until fairly smooth (normal pancake mix consistency). Then gently fold blueberries into mixture. Heat skillet to medium heat, then coat with nonstick cooking spray. Pour ½ cup batter onto the skillet to form each pancake. Cook, flipping once so that each side is a golden-brown color.

Lunch: Turkey chili rice bowl

  • Non-stick cooking spray
  • ½ cup lean ground turkey breast
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • ½ cup canned red kidney beans, drained
  • ¼ cup chopped red tomato
  • ½ cup water
  • ¼ cup chopped green pepper
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • ¼ cup brown rice
  • Low-fat grated cheddar cheese (optional)

Cook rice as instructed, set aside. Spray small saucepan with non-stick cooking spray, and add ground turkey, onion and cook until turkey is brown. Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until chili is thick. Add rice and serve with low fat grated cheddar cheese if desired.

Dinner: Steak and potatoes

  • 5 oz seasoned cooked skirt steak
  • 1 small baked potato with 2 tbsp. non-fat sour cream and chives
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli

Day 7

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito

  • 2 eggs + 2 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup black beans, rinsed
  • 2 Tbsp chopped red onion
  • 1 small jalapeño, seeded, minced
  • 2 Tbsp low fat shredded Mexican blend cheese
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Non-stick cooking spray
  • 1 high-fiber whole-wheat tortilla

Combine, onion, jalapeño, and hot sauce in bowl. Spray skillet with non-stick cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Cooks eggs and season with salt and pepper. Stir in black beans and cheese. Remove from heat and fill tortilla with egg mixture. Top with onion, jalapeño, and hot sauce mixture and roll into a burrito. Serve with salsa on side.

Lunch: Salad bar

  • Mixed greens
  • Mushrooms, tomato, broccoli, artichoke, beets, hearts of palm, asparagus, cabbage
  • ¼ cup butternut squash
  • 1 ozalmonds
  • 1 serving grilled chicken

Toss together with 2 tbsp. lite balsamic vinaigrette and serve with a few whole-wheat high-fiber crackers.

Dinner: Chicken tenders with tangy mustard dipping sauce

  • ½ lb chicken tenders
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1/3 cup sliced almonds
  • ¼ cup high-fiber Kellogg’s bran buds


  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 3 tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 ½ tablespoons honey
  • ¼ cup water

Preheat oven to your broil setting (around 400-450 degrees). In a shallow dish, mix together the paprika, salt, pepper, and almonds.Coat each chicken breast fillet with almond mixture and place onto a Pyrex dish that has been sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.

Place chicken in oven for about 15-20 minutes, turning once halfway through to brown on both sides. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the dipping sauce: In a small bowl, whisk together the orange, juice, mustard, honey, and water until sauce is smooth.

Substitutions for Week 2, 3, 4

The following recipes are substitutions you can make at any time to Week 1’s Meal Plan to keep each meal as exciting as the last.

Breakfast substitutions:

Easy eggs and waffles

  • Spray microwave safe bowl with non-stick cooking spray
  • Scramble 1 egg+ 2 egg whites, 1 tbsp. milk, and a little salt and pepper in bowl
  • Pop in microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds
  • Serve with 2 toasted high-fiber high-protein frozen waffles topped with 1 cup berries

High-protein and fiber cold cereal

  • Mix ½ cup low fat milk with 1 scoop of whey protein powder well, until smooth
  • Add ¾ cup high-fiber cereal
  • Add 1-cup berries of your choice

Open-faced California omelet

  • Scramble 2 eggs + 2 eggs whites, ¼ cup chopped tomatoes, 1 tbsp. low fat cheese
  • Serve over 1 slice of toasted whole wheat high-fiber bread
  • Top with sliced avocado
  • ½ grapefruit on side

Lunch substitutions:

Salad and pizza

  • 1 slice thin-crusted whole-wheat veggie pizza with grilled chicken
  • Large mixed green salad with 2 tbsp. walnuts on side with 1-2 tbsp. light dressing

Salmon “burger”

  • 1 can salmon (in water) mixed with 2 tbsp. low-fat mayo, 2 tbsp. chopped onion, salt and pepper
  • Top with lettuce, tomato
  • Serve on whole grain bun
  • 1/3 cup 3-bean salad on side
  • ½ cup steamed string beans

Roast beef and Swiss on whole-grain bread

  • 3 oz lean roast beef
  • 1 slice low fat Swiss cheese
  • ½ cup grilled green peppers and onions
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat creamy Italian dressing
  • 2 slices whole-grain bread (with at least 4g fiber per slice)
  • Serve with crudité (raw carrots, celery, broccoli) and 2 tbsp. fat free ranch dressing

Dinner substitutions:

Chicken racos

  • 1 large chicken breast, cooked and shredded
  • 2 tbsp. low fat shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup shredded lettuce
  • ½ cup chopped tomatoes
  • ½ cup black beans
  • 2 Tbsp salsa
  • 2 high-fiber tortillas
  • Serve with side salad

Salmon kabobs

  • Chop 6 oz raw salmon in chunks
  • Chop ½ red pepper and ½ red onion
  • Arrange salmon, red pepper, and red onion on wet skewer
  • Brush with 1 Tbsp olive oil and salt and pepper
  • Grill until salmon cooked through and veggies soft
  • Serve with ½ cup quinoa and ½ cup mixed vegetables on side

Turkey dinner

  • 6 oz herb roasted turkey
  • 1 cup sautéed broccoli and mushrooms
  • ½ cup cubed sweet potatoes