Speech & Language Therapy

Supporting children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) underpins everything we do here at Milestone.  A team of speech & language therapists and assistants work collaboratively with teaching staff to support children's speech, language and communication development at a universal, targeted and specialist levels of intervention.  

We follow a Total Communication Approach where signs, symbols, objects and sensory cues are used to create an inclusive communication and learning environment.  We use a range of strategies and resources to support children's understanding and their language and communication.  

Speech and Language Therapists contribute to Annual Reviews by either attending a meeting or writing a progress report following intervention or as specified in the EHCP.  It is not possible to attend every annual review or write a report for every child each year.  Where children's SLCN is supported by a specialist level of provision by a speech & language therapist, programmes, progress reports or update reports can be shared for the annual review when needed.  

Children with SLCN in Early Years may be known to Kent Community Health  NHS Foundation Trust. Children transfer to the Milestone caseload in Reception if Milestone is the named school.

Children who meet the NHS England Criteria can be referred to the KM CAT Service for specialist consultation or assessment of their alternative and augmentative AAC needs 


Milestone Academy is a Balanced System Scheme for Schools and Settings Centre of Excellence for Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Needs.  Centre of Excellence accreditation was first achieved in 2017 and has been maintained ever since.  We are currently working towards Centre of Excellence status for cycle 2.  https://www.thebalancedsystem.org/

AAC Users Write a Story

Students in this group have been using their communication devices to write a story.  They have worked together, taken turns, shared ideas and commented on each other's ideas.  They have been using a book called "You choose...Fairy Tales" to help them.  

They have been using their communication devices to play games.  We are currently playing a game called "Action, Describe or Question".    Moving around the board, activity cards tell us to carryout an action, answer a question or describe something.  We really enjoy this game.

Making sentences using nouns (person, place or thing) and verbs (action words). "The astronaut is running" and "The king is sitting".

Burger and chips are "yummy, yellow and delicious". 

Child using her communication book to have a conversation. 

Swallowing Awareness Day 

This year's RCSLT swallowing awareness day takes place on Wednesday 13th March which is during NHS Nutrition and Hydration week.  Swallowing Awareness Day is about shining the light on the role of speech & language therapists on dysphagia.  Here at Milestone, we shine the light on all staff who support children's eating and drinking daily.  

Dysphagia Assessment & Management at Milestone Academy 

Dysphagia has been managed at Milestone by the school Therapy Team since 2003.  Since the start of 2024, children needing a new assessment or review if there is a change or concern are now referred to Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust's speech & language therapy team.  

The school therapy team will continue to manage dysphagia by working alongside teaching staff, providing training to staff, providing basic assistive equipment to support safe eating and drinking as children develop their skills and work towards independence.  The school therapy team will continue to work with professionals from health and social care to ensure safe eating and drinking and will refer children to specialist services when needed.