Year 1

Our transdisciplinary Theme this term was “How We Organise Ourselves” and the central idea was “The lives of individuals have changed our lives today”.Year 1 started their provocation by exploring how explorers travelled in the past and the equipment needed to navigate.We also compared pictures from the past and present of the vehicles used to travel.

We then researched Christopher Columbus who was the significant individual and created biographies based on his life. We read about significant explorers like Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison who was the first African American woman to travel  into space . We then linked his travel to the seven continents and the five oceans that surround the continents. We became researchers and used atlases and ipads (google earth ) to locate the continents and significant physical features for example mountains and deserts.

Our final line of inquiry “Where do we go next “ gave children the opportunity to plan , design , create and evaluate a vehicle (space buggy ) to travel on the surface of the moon in DT. The children were excited and their curiosity allowed them to explore different wheel types and the materials they were made from , to see which would be best suitable for their space buggy.Children tested the wheel types on a rocky and rough surface which was similar to the images on the moon’s surface.

Finally, to bring this term to an end , the children learned Easter songs and performed . It was a great experience for all the children to understand the Easter story and bring it to life in their songs.  We hope you all have a fantastic Easter break and we will all see you next term.