SLT News

It has been a great term seeing how our curriculum has developed and evolved! At key stage one, the children have been learning about the lives of many different, significant individuals including Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King Jr and Christopher Columbus. They have explored why these individuals are still remembered today and what significant impact their discoveries have had on our lives. Nursery and Reception have begun exploring different types of animals, where they live and what they need to survive. They have made some fantastic artwork to demonstrate their discoveries!

At key stage two, we have been continuing to show our love of reading, with 85% of pupils reaching their AR target - Well done everyone!  It has also been great to see our times tables improve through our TTRS battles within school and against other schools.  It seems that all pupils are motivated to beat Mr Khader’s score.  We have been jet setters travelling around the world in Year 3 and 4 as we learnt about the features and culture of Italy and Greece.  Year 5 have been learning all about the Viking Legacy, through re-enactments and newspaper reporting, whilst Year 6 have explored the choices of societal decision making and the impact of war.

We are very much looking forward to module five which will begin with our ‘Earth Day’. Through this day, the children will explore what responsible choices they need to make to look after the planet on which we live. Look out for a blog with more details about they learnt. At the end of the term, we will also have out ‘first aid days’ as part of our PSHE curriculum. During these lessons, the children will learn more about keeping themselves safe and what to do in an emergency. 

Have a safe and enjoyable break.

Mrs Haywood and Mr Mitchell