Dartford Primary Academy

"Determined, Persistent Achievers - learning to change the world"

End of Term Newsletter

31st March 2023

Principal's Welcome

What a successful term, with lots to celebrate ending with our Easter Performances. I hope you agree the talent our children have, continues to go from strength to strength and they absolutely shine.  

This term has seen spectacular dressing up for World book day including our very own ‘Shrek’ and many other children dressing as their favourite characters celebrating their love of reading.  Reading underpins everything we do here at DPA and really opens the door for a successful future.

We hope many of our children enter into the World Poetry Day competition and we wait eagerly to read your ‘Fun on the Railway’ poems!  Let’s hope we have yet more winners from DPA! 

Our Pride assemblies with the children sharing their work and how proud they are continue along with Terrific Tuesday - it is such a pleasure to welcome  our parents into our community and celebrate our learning.  We hope you feel as much pride as we do when sharing your child’s learning journey.

Our PTA - Friends Association has held some excellent Discos and the children certainly have a dance move or two in their lockers!  Seeing them enjoy the events and ‘throw some shapes’ on the dancefloor is a true delight.  I also thank the Friends for the Mother's Day Daffodils - we do appreciate the time and effort given to help support our children.

As you read the newsletter ahead - I think you will agree it has been another jam packed term with lots of exciting plans for Module 5.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful and relaxing Easter break.  

Miss R Roberts | Principal