Year 5

Central Idea:  Communication of Human History Relies on Communication

Battle of Hastings

This term, Year 5 pupils have designed their own Bayeux Tapestry using knowledge and understanding of the events to show what happened. The children also created their own stories called 'The Other Side' which was written from the perspective of the English Armies. 

Travelling Entertainers

Year 5 children also learnt about travelling entertainers, known as 'Minstrels'. They worked within Europe to entertain the people with poems, songs, juggling, acrobatics, storytelling and the passing on of news. 

Charlie Chaplin's Silent Film

For this inquiry, Year 5 children have learnt about Charlie Chaplin who created films. These were in black and white (without any sound) and were used as a form of entertainment. Before creating their own silent films, which involved reenacting the Battle Of Hastings, the children planned, filmed and edited their own silent films. 


In Science, the children have looked at the different classification of materials and also investigated the properties. Pupils also experimented with which materials are magnetic or non-magnetic, as well as which are insulators or conductors of electricity.