Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple


Sammy has blown us away with the progress he has made this term. He has loved exploring how our plants have grown in the nursery and has tried really hard when using his words to express himself. 

Well done Sammy, we are all very proud of you! 

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 

Poppy C

For being a fantastic member of Apollo Class! Poppy has made brilliant progress since joining Apollo Class and we wish her the very best as she moves to her new school. 

We will miss you!

Discovery Class ~ Year R 

Golden Apple 


For being a risk-taker on our trip to Tyland Barn. Lenny listened carefully to have a go at pond dipping on Monday. He even found a water mite and a ramshorn water snail!

Well done, Lenny!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Chloe is a confident, enthusiastic learner. She applies herself well in all her learning. She has shown that she is principled and has taken on the role of Tiny Teacher very well. 

Well done, Chloe!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 


Pearly-Rose always has a positive attitude towards her learning.  She never gives up when learning is tricky and always works hard.  

Well done, Pearly-Rose!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For being really focused on writing his story about Emma Jane and her Aeroplane.

Elliot contributed well to the class discussions and came up with some great sentences in his writing.

Well done, Elliot!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For being a reflective learner. Prastish really focused on the details of her plan for Emma Jane and her aeroplane story and was able to apply those ideas in her writing.  

Well done, Prastish!

Pip & Bramley Class 



Well done to everyone in Pip and Bramley this term! You have all worked really hard and we are super proud of you! 

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


For being a fantastic communicator and risk-taker when creating his rap about fossils! 

Well done, Lewis!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   

Pazazz Class 

For being excellent communicators and risk-takers when working together to perform their brilliant volcano rap. 

Well done, all of you!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple   


For all being amazing and very respectful on our school trip to the British Museum.

Well done to you all.

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple  


For being an inquirer on our school trip, showing great knowledge about the Romans and asking fantastic questions. 

Well done, Lincoln!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For having a continued positive attitude towards all of his learning this week. Ethan has been a great communicator when creating a silent movie to demonstrate his knowledge of the Battle of Hastings! 

Well done!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For being a principled and knowledgeable learner when writing her balance argument.  Her hard work didn’t go unnoticed, she used her initiative and requested to take it home to complete. 

Amazing effort, Amelia!  

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Dylan B

For being a good communicator when completing all of his tasks this week to the very best of his ability. 

Well done, Dylan!

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


For being balanced this week during hockey. Henry was also a reflective learner when looking back over his work and and making fantastic edits. 

Well done, Henry!