Primary Years Programme

It has been another busy term at Langley Park Primary Academy.  Hopefully you have been able to attend the mini workshops/exhibition to give you a greater insight into the learning that has taken place this term.    Here is a summary of the Central Ideas for each year group.  The Central Ideas are the drivers behind the teaching and learning of the National Curriculum subjects which are interwoven to give the children a breath of learning experiences.


Living things play an important role in our lives.


The environment influences living things. 

Year 1

The availability of resources impacts how a community works and grows together.

Year 2

Science knowledge can improve our opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Year 3

Forces may cause change.

Year 4

Invasions can lead to positive advancements.

Year 5

Expression of human history relies on communication.

Year 6

Events influence people's perspectives and views.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and carers for attending this term's PYP workshops/exhibitions.