Year 3

Forces Cause Change

It has been another very busy term for Year 3 pupils! In our inquiry, we have learnt all about volcanoes and have thoroughly enjoyed it! 

Line of Inquiry 1: An inquiry into how forces cause an effect

We used our knowledge of features of volcanoes to create our own. Later in the term, we then exploded them using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. 

Line of Inquiry 2: An inquiry into how natural disasters affect our lives

We also learnt about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD, which buried the city of Pompeii under a blanket of ash. We made a timeline of the events which happened during the eruption and used it to write our own newspaper report. We retold the events in comic strip form using our chromebooks. 

Line of Inquiry 3: An inquiry into the impact of fossilisation on people's understand of natural forces

Towards the end of this term we have made our own fossils from clay and used tie dye to create beautiful artwork. 

This term, some of us were chosen to take part in a six week programme of Challenger Troop. Each week, we got very muddy but had lots of fun. It ended with a sumo wrestling competition!