Year 6

This module has been full of history, where we have been studying the rise of Baghdad and The House of Wisdom around 900 AD. We linked this in with a story about Robin Hood and his Merry Men travelling to Baghdad to steal the book of Hindu-Arabic Numerals. We learned about how we came to have the numbers that we use today, comparing our number system now to the Roman Numerals, realising how lucky we are to have these. 

In Geography, we studied four figure and six figure grid references, creating a large scale map in Kanzi Class and using the classroom to understand the grid reference system that little bit more. 

During our Science lessons, we learned about Karl Linnaeus and characteristics of animals. We looked at different types of animals and how they are part of a particular species, we even created our own animals using these characteristics. 

We completed our second set of assessments this term and everyone in Year 6 did great.

In PE, we learned and created a Haka and in music we looked at bars and beats and even tried to sing a three part harmony. 

Merry Christmas everyone!