Year 3

Central idea -People impact the ecosystem.

This term the children have explored food production in the UK specifically exploring farming and land use, this then progressed into an inquiry into the first farming communities where we learnt about the Stone Age. We really enjoyed our trip to Kent Life to find out all about life in the Stone Age. 

An inquiry into how UK food production is organised.

During this inquiry we were fantastic geographers. We learnt about the counties and how food produced in the UK is linked to the different types of land.

We investigated the three main types of farming in the UK; crops, dairy and livestock. We also looked at from field to plate, and had to think about all of the steps that our food has to take to get into our lunch boxes.

We extended our learning by carrying out an investigation into soil types and considering what soil types are best for farmers. We included our science module on rocks as well.

An inquiry into the development of the first farmers.

We then started this line of inquiry with a trip to Kent Life for a Stone Age experience day, which was a lot of fun! We especially liked meeting Claw the Stone Age man who talked to us about hunting and surviving.

We also enjoyed lots of time in Forest School learning how to whittle and grind grain just like people did in the Stone Age. It was tricky and took a long time and this made us appreciate how hard life was in the Stone Age.

An inquiry into the lives and beliefs of the first farming communities.

We enjoyed learning about all things related to living in the Stone Age in this part of our inquiry, including what they would have eaten, how to be a hunter gatherer, cave paintings and enjoyed finding about Skara Brae on the Orkney Isles.