Year 5

For our inquiry for this module: 'The Earth is a part of a vast and complex universe, much of which is still unknown' we made our own mini ecosystems using a plastic bottle, soil, grass seeds and various other seeds. 

We learnt about the water cycle, drawing and annotating diagrams and then used our knowledge to create our own water cycles to illustrate how it works.

We researched the solar system and entered our findings on a spreadsheet.  We used the information and furthered our research to create a double page non-chronological report on the solar system, including the moon, night and day and spherical bodies.  For Design Technology we made a paper mache model of the planets using balloons and newspaper. 

We wrote adventure stories based around the planet of Pandora.  In pairs, we designed our own hexapedes (dangerous six limbed creatures native to Pandora) and drew storyboards to show our dilemas.  As our last writing task, we wrote newspaper reports on the moon landing.  We watched television footage filmed as Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon and conducted our own research on the background to the 'space race' between the United States and the Soviet Union.