
2nd December 2022

Principal's Message:

It has been yet another busy week with rehearsals for Christmas performances well underway. It is wonderful to hear so many seasonal songs being sun. If you are coming to watch any of the performances, I know that you will be very proud of your children.

On Thursday, we had a range of KS2 children perform some songs on their guitars. This was to celebrate their hard work and the practice that they have been putting in to master playing the guitar. We were so proud of them being risk takers in this way. Watch this space for the next Ed Sheeran!

Today, our Reception pupils went to see the pantomime 'Sleeping Beauty' at the Hazlitt Theatre. As we do throughout the year, this was their experience that linked with learning about celebrations. Mrs Dunn and Miss State have reported that the children were all exceptionally well behaved and represented the academy beautifully. We even had one of our children go up on to the stage! A huge well done!

We have two more trips coming up; one for Year 5 and one for Year 3. We are so keen to try and have at least one trip or experience per seasonal term, with these linking with the children's current learning, especially after they lost out on so much during the pandemic.

Next week we will welcoming a visiting theatre group who will be performing the pantomime 'Aladdin' for all of the children to enjoy.

A huge thank you to the parents and carers who attended the SATs workshop this afternoon. It is so important that you are fully informed about your child's learning in order that you can support them at home too, therefore your attendance at this workshop was appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Brading

Office Messages:

Help us to give back to our community this Christmas! From 1st to 20th December, we are operating a Reverse Advent Calendar and are kindly asking our school community to give back to those in need over the festive season.

If you are in a position to donate anything from the advent calendar then please bring your donation to the academy office. All donations will be collected and given to members of our local community who are in need at this time of year.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Tuesday 6th December iRock Christmas Concert (for the parents of those children who attend iRock in school)

Thursday 8th December Year 5 Trip to Greenwich Royal Observatory

Friday 9th December Whole School Pantomime of 'Aladdin'

Friday 9th December Christmas Jumpers (optional, for a donation to Save the Children)

Monday 12th December Christingle Service - Years 4, 5 and 6

Tuesday 13th December 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' - Year 2 and Year 3 Christmas Nativity

Wednesday 14th December 'The Big Little Nativity' - Year R and Year 1 Christmas Nativity

Wednesday 14th December Year 3 Stone Age Trip to Kent Life

Thursday 15th December Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 15th December Nursery Christmas Sing-Along, 2.30pm

Friday 16th December Non-Uniform Day, donations of bottles for tombola for Christmas Fair

Friday 16th December PTA Christmas Fair, 3pm to 6pm

Friday 16th December Nursery Christmas Nativity (more details to follow)

Tuesday 20th December Last day of Term 2, early finish at 1.30pm

Please note that these are confirmed dates, but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

Around one third of children now have a social media account and so it is important that trusted adults know what content young people are consuming, what they are posting and the interactions they are having online. On social media, it can be easy to 'go down a rabbit hole' that is not beneficial to our wellbeing. As platforms grapple with managing 'legal but harmful' content, lives are being impacted - sometimes to tragic effect. Whilst we may be daunted by the scale of the tech giants and their contact which enthrals young people, we can still help children to be mindful of their mental wellness; recognising when something isn't OK and knowing what to do about content that upsets them.

In the guide below, you will find tips such as how to hide content, set daily limits and discuss what children have seen online.