PS 201

U.S. Government and Politics

"The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens" - Alexis de Tocqueville

What is the importance of political participation? In what ways to people influence politics, and how are they influenced by the media, the government, and other groups in society? PS 201 focuses on the founding and Constitution, political participation (the media, public opinion, voting, political parties, interest groups, social movements, etc.), and public policy.

This course is part of a series (PS 201, PS 202, and PS 203) that examines U.S. government and politics at the federal, state, and local levels. You can take PS 201, 202, and 203 in any order, as the topics are meant to be complementary.


  • Evans, Jocelyn and Kristy Michaud. 2021. Central Ideas in American Government. Online: Soomo Learning. Publisher Access Link.

  • Other readings uploaded to Moodle (no cost)

Estimated cost of materials through the bookstore: $35.25 (please note that I have negotiated a price of $25 directly with the publisher, so it is available at that price if you are able to circumvent the bookstore).