Youth Ministry
The Kristus Aman Youth Ministry, established since 1986 serves the pastoral needs of young people aged 13-30. This youth ministry is community for young people to encounter Jesus Christ, grow in the Catholic faith, build healthy authentic relationships with each other, discover their unique gifts and be sent out for mission. We seek to journey with God as a community and to encourage youth as they run the race to eternal life in heaven.
Our Youth Camp is held annually for all youth aged between 13-30. Face-to-face camps have been suspended during the pandemic but we are still working to deliver formation for our youth via online platforms.
Gatherings for fellowship and catechesis are held on a monthly basis, usually on the last weekend of the month.
Cell group meetings are also held on a monthly basis for those seeking to journey closer together through scripture and shared experiences.
Workshops aimed at cultivating the talents of our youth, such as leadership and dance, are organised once or twice a year.
We carol annually and raise funds to support various charitable causes as well as our youth activities. Fundraising efforts have taken a new turn during this pandemic so stay tuned for our updates!
To find out more about our most recent activities and how we are adapting our activities to fit the needs of our youth during this season of virtual outreach, do not hesitate to reach out to us via social media or e-mail! We look forward to hearing from you and are always ready to welcome youth seeking the support and encouragement of community.
Coordinating Team
Chief Coordinator
Jyllian Kok