
The Urban Poor and Underprivileged sub-ministry is a vital initiative within the Church that focuses on serving and supporting individuals and families facing poverty and marginalized living conditions in urban areas. This sub-ministry recognizes the unique challenges and needs of the urban poor and seeks to provide them with holistic support and empowerment. Through various outreach programs and initiatives, such as providing food and clothing assistance, offering educational and vocational training, facilitating access to healthcare, and advocating for their rights, the Urban Poor and Underprivileged sub-ministry strives to alleviate suffering, restore dignity, and foster hope within these communities. With a spirit of compassion and solidarity, this ministry embodies the teachings of Jesus Christ, who called us to love and serve our neighbors, particularly those who are most vulnerable and marginalized. The Urban Poor and Underprivileged sub-ministry exemplifies the Church's commitment to social justice, showing God's love in tangible ways and working towards a more equitable and inclusive society.

Coordinating Team


Rosalind Louis

News | Announcements | Activities

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