Altar Servers

Altar servers play a significant role in the liturgical life of the Church, and their service also holds the potential to inspire and nurture priestly vocations. These dedicated individuals assist the priest during Mass and other sacramental celebrations, carrying out their duties with reverence and attentiveness. Through their active involvement in the liturgy, altar servers witness firsthand the sacredness and beauty of the priesthood. Serving at the altar allows them to develop a deep appreciation for the Eucharist and the role of the priest as the shepherd of the community. This experience can sow the seeds of a vocation, as altar servers may discern a call to dedicate their lives to the priesthood, following in the footsteps of the priest they serve alongside. The presence of altar servers not only supports the seamless flow of the liturgy but also serves as an inspiration and encouragement for those considering a priestly vocation, fostering a culture that nurtures and embraces the call to serve God and His people as ordained ministers.

Coordinating Team


Joshua Chooi
Jonathan Ng

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