
The Seniors Sub-Ministry is an essential component of the Church's mission to care for and support the elderly members of the community. This ministry recognizes the unique needs, challenges, and wisdom that come with aging. It seeks to create a nurturing and inclusive environment that honors and values the senior members of the congregation. The Seniors Sub-Ministry offers a range of services and activities tailored to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of seniors. These may include social gatherings, health and wellness programs, educational sessions, counseling, and pastoral care. The ministry also provides opportunities for seniors to engage in meaningful volunteer work, mentoring, and sharing their life experiences with younger generations. By fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among seniors, the ministry aims to combat social isolation, promote well-being, and cultivate intergenerational connections within the church community. Through this ministry, the Church upholds the dignity and worth of seniors, cherishes their contributions, and seeks to ensure that they continue to thrive and experience a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Coordinating Team


Mary Chong

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