Bible Knowledge

Bible Knowledge class is a dedicated educational opportunity that allows individuals to deepen their understanding of the Bible and its teachings. In this class, students engage in a structured study of the Scriptures, exploring its historical context, literary genres, and theological themes. Through guided discussions, lectures, and interactive activities, participants gain insights into the richness and complexity of the biblical text. They delve into the stories, parables, prophecies, and teachings found within the Bible, uncovering its relevance and application to their lives today. Bible Knowledge classes foster critical thinking skills, analytical interpretation, and a deeper appreciation for the inspired Word of God. They provide a space for students to ask questions, grapple with challenging passages, and grow in their faith as they gain a more comprehensive knowledge of the Scriptures. Ultimately, Bible Knowledge classes equip individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue, share their faith confidently, and navigate life's challenges through the wisdom and guidance found in the Bible.

Coordinating Team


Robert Teh

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