
What are Violations?

Violations: Whether the partner violates the platform policy online/offline. Violation points are calculated per month.

⚠️Important: For a serious violation, we might restrict the partner’s privileges (low search ranking, product off-shelf, etc.) While under restriction, the partner must strive to improve on the issue that led to the violation

Key Violation Details: External Communication

Partners are prohibited from directing travelers to conduct transactions off KKday, such as adding official LINE/Facebook, providing external links, private transactions, etc. 

⚠️ Important: In the events of connection problems, a laggy system, or other system setting issues, please reach out to your KKday contact ASAP to obtain tech support. Partners are not allowed to direct travelers to do off-site transitions or cancel orders on the basis of poor connection quality.

Key Violation Details: Traveler Complaint

KKday and our partners have been committed to offering safe, qaulity and consistent services and experiences. If a partner receive a traveler complaint, we will investigate the case and confirm whether the partner’s responsible. If it is considered a valid complaint, we will assign violation points accordingly. 

Violation Categories & Corresponding Points

Poor Online Service, Platform Policy Violation

Poor Offline Service, Platform Policy Violation

Suggestion for Fewer Traveler Complaints

Violation Ruling Appeal