Fun Hat Day (December 4, 2020)

We're so happy to see all your happy faces on Zoom wearing your funny hats! Hope you had a great Fun Hat Day!

Aye! Is that Mr. O'Reilly wearing his special hat today?

Ms. White rocking the hat!

Ms. Monil, you look so ladylike in your burgendy hat!

Ms. Marsden, we've always known you're a star!

Mr. Anderson, you look awfully tall with your hat!

Ms. Howell, we love your fun hat! Looking beautiful as always!

Ms. Alwani is ready for Santa! Love your hat!

Ms. Fiona is so cute with her elf hat!

Ms. Lau wearing her hat and pretending she's on the beach.

Nurse Charlotte looks super cool in her black hat.

1C having great fun on Fun Hat Day!

Marvel with his hamster hat in the morning

Marvel with his fruit hat in the afternoon

1T with their funny hats and funny poses!

So happy to see you 1M and your funny hats!

1K students are so cute in their hats!

Fun Hats and Snowflakes with 2B

Fun Hat Day with 2L in Library Class

Your hats look amazing 2F!!! Keep them on!

We love your hats 3D! Very festive!

3P in their headgear!

Looking very cool in your fun hats, 3B!

3K looking more than OK in their fun hats! Lots of beautiful smiles!

Ms. Wang's Chinese class with fun hats. 中文课,真开心!Looking good!!!!

Wow 4A! You're looking awfully pretty today! Love your hats!

Strike a pose with 4E! Love your hats and happy smiles.

4S looking great in their hats.

Looking amazing in your hats 4O!

Lots of fun in Ms. Shen's Chinese class! The class turned into animals with their hats!

Looking awesome 5M!!!! Love your smiles!

Fun Hat Day in Chinese Class with Ms. You.


5P looking very excited for Fun Hat Day!

Christmas has landed in 5I! Look at their lovely hats!

Christmas has arrived in LET!

6J are striking some great poses with their hats!

Ms. So's Chinese class looks so sophisticated today with their hats. 中文课,真开心!

We love your smiles 6T with your lovely hats.

There's a party in 6G! Love your hats and your smiles!

5P in PE with Mr. Riddell. How did you juggle your hats and exercise?

5P changed hats and did it again!!! And again!!!!