
Week 3

Below you will find this week's learning activities. Please make sure you are completing all the activities and ask questions if you need help!

Friday, April 10

  1. If you have not sent your email to an expert, follow the directions from Wednesday and please do that first.
  2. If you have, you can start to work on your word collectors project!
  3. Create an infographic that teaches someone about the topic that you learned about. It can be any visual you want! In your visual, use as many of the expert words that you got from your adult!
    1. You can make the infographic on paper and upload a photo
    2. You can make the infogrpahic on Seesaw

Thursday, April 9 (Optional)

  1. If you have not sent your email to an expert, follow the directions from Wednesday and please do that first.
  2. If you have, you can start to work on your word collectors project!
  3. Create an infographic that teaches someone about the topic that you learned about. It can be any visual you want! In your visual, use as many of the expert words that you got from your adult!
    1. You can make the infographic on paper and upload a photo
    2. You can make the infogrpahic on Seesaw

Wednesday, April 8

  1. Watch Mrs. Park's screencast on how to send an email
  2. Copy and paste this as your message to the teacher you are trying to email: (Make sure you add Mrs. Park on the email!)

Dear (teacher you are emailing),

My name is (your name). I was wondering if you could tell me about (Topic you are interested in). I am collecting expert words because I am a word collector!

Thank you for your time!

-(Your name)

Monday, April 6

  1. Watch this read aloud of The Word Collector
  2. Think of an expert in our school that you might want to email to collect expert words from them!
  3. Go to Seesaw
  4. Go to the activity named Phonics: Monday, April 6
  5. Post the name of the teacher you want to contact in Seesaw

Week 2

Below you will find this week's learning activities. Please make sure you are completing all the activities and ask questions if you need help!

Friday, April 3

  1. Go to Google Classroom
  2. Find 3-4 spelling mistakes or editing mistakes in your writing
  3. Use phonics strategies to fix them
  4. Highlight the words you fixed in a different color

Thursday, April 2

  1. Write a 500 page book with all the phonics words we used this year so far. Remember to have your writing single spaced and turn it in by 3:00 p.m. sharp! Any late assignments means that you may not go to bed until it is completed!

Wednesday, April 1

  1. Choose 2-3 phonics games to play
    1. Alien Escape
    2. Word Pairs
    3. Phonics Frog (Choose ie, ea, wh, or ew)
    4. Odd and Bob
    5. Suffix Factory (Challange)

Tuesday, March 31

  1. Go to Seesaw
  2. Go to Phonics: March 31 activity
  3. Read Knight School
  4. Highlight all the rhyming words
  5. At the end, choose 2 Rhymes
  6. Create another rhyme to go with your chosen rhyme

Monday, March 30

  1. Go to Seesaw
  2. Go to Phonics: March, 30 activity
  3. Read the directions to practice your troublemaker words
  4. Submit when finished

Week 1

Below you will find your phonics activities by the date. Follow the directions and complete the activities.

Friday, March 26

You got 150 paws! Nice job 3rd grade! No phonics today!

Thursday, March 25

  1. Go to Seesaw
  2. Look at the Trigraphs Poster in Seesaw
  3. On page 2, highlight the trigraphs that you find in the tounge twisters

Wednesday, March 24

  1. If you have not completed the previous activities, go back to Monday and Tuesday and complete them.
  2. If you have completed them, no phonics today :)

Tuesday, March 23

Homophones Part 2!

What jam can't be eaten on toast?

A traffic jam (ahahahhahaha)

Remember, homophones are 2 words that sound the same but mean 2 different things. We practiced these with jokes last week! Try this activity out today!

Today's Work:

  1. Watch this video about the difference between the tricky homophones To, Two, and Too
  2. Go to Seesaw
  3. Open the activity named Phonics: Tuesday, March 24
  4. On page 1, edit the sentences with the correct form of to, two, or too
  5. On page 2, create your own sentence for each form of to, two, and too

Monday, March 23


What do you call a piece of wood with nothing to do?

Bored (ahahahhahaha)

Remember, homophones are 2 words that sound the same but mean 2 different things. We practiced these with jokes last week! Try this activity out today!

Today's Work:

  1. Go on to Seesaw
  2. Go to activity called "Phonics: Monday, March 23
  3. Highlight the words in the sentences that are homophones
  4. Choose 2 words to draw a picture of in Seesaw and label them
  5. Submit Seesaw work
  6. CHOICE: Play this fun homophone game!