
April Music Choice Menu

Dear 3-5 Students,

Here is a new choice menu for you to pick from for music. Choose ONE activity each week and post what you complete on Seesaw! Make sure to tag it under the Music Folder.

Ms. Lewis

Grades 3-5 April Music Choice Menu


  • Little Kids Rock Videos LINK

Use this website to learn chords, songs, and skills on a variety of instruments if you have these instruments at home! Unfortunately I cannot lend instruments to take home because I do not have enough for everyone to take home. During the COVID-19 epidemic, they’ve started creating a series of videos called “Live Lessons with Little Kids Rock”. Check out the videos with that title on this Youtube playlist.

A free resource that allows you to create and interact with music. The website offers a myriad of different activities to do and you can even save your work and send.

AMAZING videos about various aspects of music - learn about different instruments, world music, careers in music, genres of music, etc. You do have to create a log-in, but it’s completely free. Another caveat is that you have to complete one course at a time - you can’t just skip around to different videos.

Online video game music generator! Fun to play around with.

Another fun site to check out to make different a-cappella sounds/jams!

  • Sammy Foster YouTube Channel LINK

Use buckets and sticks if you have some at home, or use found objects! This YouTuber has tons of videos to play along with as well as some skill-building videos!

  • Beat Goes On YouTube Channel LINK

These are videos that teach you how to do various body percussion techniques. I did a workshop at a conference with this fellow and he’s just fabulous.

Some great videos to practice your rhythm! Say the rhythms aloud or use sticks or utensils around the house to play along!

  • Recorder Videos LINKHere are some great recorder videos if you have a recorder at home! Here is a chart which shows each note on the recorder for your reference.


  • Write an instrumental song using found objects around the home (i.e. pots, pans, utensils, etc.)
  • Notice the music you hear in TV commercials, on the radio, around your home, and at the grocery store. What songs did you hear? How did the music make you feel? Write in a journal or talk about it with your family.
  • Make a video of yourself singing your favorite song.
  • Make a dance to your favorite song.
  • Listen to your favorite piece of music and draw a picture that matches what it makes you feel.
  • Interview a family member about their musical backgrounds and interests. What is their favorite song right now and why? What instruments do they play? What does music mean to them? Who is their favorite artist and why? Write down their answers or record their answers in a voice memo on a grown-up’s phone.
  • Invent a new instrument. Draw a picture of it and describe how it is played, how it’s constructed, what it sounds like, or make one out of recycled materials.
  • Make a song/dance routine about washing your hands -- include details about how long to wash, where to scrub, and what songs you can sing while you’re doing it!
  • Singing Log -- Write down the songs you sing each day. Sing along with a recording, sing a song with a family member, or sing by yourself.
  • Soundtrack of My Life - Create an imaginary album that shows who you are. Make a list of song titles and draw an album cover to go along with it. Have a grown-up help you with writing down song titles if you need.