Bookbuzz - Year 7

Bookbuzz is a reading programme from BookTrust that aims to help schools inspire a love of reading 

Participating schools give their students the opportunity to choose their own book to take home and keep from a list of 16 titles. They are all carefully selected by a panel of experts to ensure quality, suitability and to encourage reading for pleasure. 

Each year, King's Academy Bay House and King's Academy Brune Park give Year 7 students the opportunity to take part in the scheme.

Benefits of Reading for Pleasure.pdf

There are many benefits to reading for pleasure, some of which are highlighted in this image.

Bookbuzz contributes to reading for pleasure by enabling Year 7 students to choose and own a book of their own.

We hope that this, for some students, will engage them in reading that previously may never have read a book.

And for those that love reading, will give them a gift so they can continue their reading journey.

This video explores the different titles Year 7 students can choose from. Hopefully after watching this you will be able to decide which free book you will choose!

This PowerPoint explores the different titles Year 7 students can choose from. 

Parent letter bookbuzz.pdf

Parent/Carer Letter

Please read the following Parent/Carer letter to find out how you can continue to support the Bookbuzz programme, after Year 7 have received their books.