Simone and Katniss Recommend

Here's an introduction to our super cute library mascots!

Meet Katniss, the mascot for King's Academy Brune Park Library. She may be small, but she's strong, resourceful and far more mature than her age would suggest (yep, she's a teenager!). Katniss is fiercely protective of the students.

Meet Simone, the mascot for King's Academy Bay House library. She may sometimes need time to adjust, but when motivated, she's hard working and thoughtful. Simone has a spiritual connection with the students.

Delicious YA Reads for Easter

There’s nothing quite as exciting as seeing the young adult novel you absolutely love turn into a film that captures the same feelings you had while reading the book. Lucky for us, more and more young adult novels are being adapted into movies or series. Simone and Katniss have recommended their favourite YA adaptations so you can read and watch to your heart’s content! 

Simone and Katniss have used their superpowers to recommend the best YA superhero books in the LRC.

The age of superheroes is upon us. With a steady stream of comic book movies and TV shows being announced all the time, it’s a great time to be a fan. But superheroes aren’t just for graphic novels. You can find all the epic battles between good and evil, crazy cool gadgets, and awesome superpowers you need in YA fiction books.