Tutor Time Reading Programme

Previous Tutor Time Reading...

Below are the books that tutors have read aloud during their weekly tutor time reading slot. The novels work through some of the key themes linked to PHSRE.

Year 7 - Tutor Time Reading
Year 8 Tutor Time Reading
Year 9 Tutor Time Reading
Year 10 Tutor Time Reading

Why not work your way through some of these tutor time activities...

Would you rather - tutor quiz

Take part in the 'Would You Rather' epic quiz!

Choose your own destiny GameTale_PDF.pdf

Video games are a significant cultural and creative force, often involving a number of art forms, including narrative, design and audio composition. Video games are also built on stories through interactions and world building. In the games we play, we are making decisions about how the story will play out and what might happen if we choose certain paths. In the games we build relationships with other characters and often have to work together to succeed in our missions.

Activity: Work to come up with a new video game idea. 

Reading: Check out the interactive story GameTale - It's up to you how the story will end, so at each point it asks, choose the path in which you want the story to go.

Anne Frank's Diary - 25 June
Reading - Science Focus
World Environment Day - 5 June
Christmas Reading Activity
Philip Pullman
Itch by Simon Mayo
For Year 7 & 8 - Gone by Michael Grant
For Year 9 - The Call by Peadar O'Guilin