Japanese Culture

The 10 Coolest Themed Cafes in Japan

 Robots, Ninjas, Cute Critters, and More

Want to dine like a ninja or get waited on by a vampire? Japan has really cool themed cafes that offer some truly unique experiences!

Here in the UK, our cafes are rather quaint and boring. We might order a cappuccino and a pastry, then sit down to chat or type away on our laptops. It’s all quite dull and mundane. But what if cafes didn’t have to be so… traditional?

Japan certainly doesn’t think they have to be! Quirky themed cafes have popped up all over the country, offering a unique experience.

Check out these awesome Japanese themed cafes to see what we’re missing out on!

 Ninja Akasaka Cafe

Hedgehog Cafe

Vampire Cafe

Robot Restaurant

Alice in Wonderland Cafe

Kawaii Monster Cafe

Live Penguin Bar

Snake Cafe

Fishing Cafe

Cat Cafe


Japan is the vending machine capital of the world. There are 5.5 million vending machines in Japan and it's estimated that there is one vending machine per 23 people. While drinks are the most common item you can purchase at the press of a button, Japans vending machines have gone above and beyond to offer everything from fresh fruit, idol photographs as well as clothing and gifts. Here are the top 10 most unique vending machines found in Japan including one selling mystery items, which you won’t know what the content is until you’ve torn open the wrapping. 

Umbrella Vending Machine

Japan is known for its extreme weather. Japan’s rainy season lasts from the beginning of June to mid-July and can come out of nowhere. For this reason, you never want to be caught without an umbrella. Lucky for you, they have their fair share of Umbrella vending machines. 

T-shirt Vending Machine

At the entrance to the popular shopping mall Shibuya 109, you’ll find a brightly coloured t-shirt vending machine. Inside this machine, you’ll find a series of graphic souvenir t-shirts. The shirts aren’t the cheapest at 1,200 to 2,500 yen apiece, but honestly, the shirts’ designs are pretty impressive. 

Banana Vending Machine

One company decided to make a vending machine that exclusively dispenses bananas. They are singularly packed and refrigerated. Although slightly more expensive than they would be at a supermarket, at 150 yen they're about the same - if not cheaper - than your average chocolate snack. 

Bug Snack Vending Machine

MOGBUG is a Japanese brand created to promote interest in insect food. This vending machine stocks a variety of their snacks, with plenty to satisfy any courageous foodie out there. Why not try the rhino beetle!

Egg Vending Machine

Eggs are used in a large variety of Japanese food, from rice meals to omelettes, so it is not that surprising to know that Japan sells their farm fresh eggs through vending machines. This particular type of vending machines contains fresh eggs locked inside separate compartments. Insert your coins, unlock the compartment, and claim your fresh eggs ready for cooking! 

Dashi Flying Fish Soup 

At first glance, you might think this vending machine is selling black tea, but if you look closer, you might be shocked at what you see inside. Inside the brown liquid bottles is an entire fish! These are, in fact, not drinks but Dashi soup. Dashi is one of the most essential ingredients in many Japanese dishes, like ramen, okonomiyaki and takoyaki. 

Horned Beetle Vending Machine

Kabutomushi (horned beetles) are considered both good luck and a fun plaything in Japan, and live beetles are sold out of vending machines so kids can keep them as a pet and play with them. The kabutomushi machines were so popular with buyers that other types of bugs started showing up in machines, like tarantulas, praying mantises and cockroaches. 

King's Treasure Box Vending Machine

The infamous King's Treasure Box machine is instantly recognisable with its shiny frame and a photos of amazing prizes to be won. For 1,000 yen (the price of a dream, as it says on the machine) you'll get a mystery box that can contain anything from a lighter to a gaming console. These can be fun, however don't expect too much from them. 

Pet Wig Vending Machine

It's true that some of the strangest things money can buy are found in Japan, wigs for dogs being a very good example. Now a pet pooch may not have a balding problem but a completely wacky wig can sure make him or her look great for a costume party. Doggy photo shoot anyone? 

Mystery Vending Machine

You’ll find this mystery vending machine at the wacky corner in Akihabara. It sells plain-looking boxes (¥490) wrapped in white paper, on which are Japanese proses. But rest assured, only chocolate snacks are wrapped inside. Anticlimactic or a relief – you decide.