Counseling Intern

Note: This portfolio may contain information that is out of date. For my updated professional portfolio, please click here.

Click the image above to view the video.

The place where I completed my first Field Period was at the World of Inquiry School #58 in Rochester, NY. The school is an Experiential Learning school and focuses on education through hands-on learning through activities, field trips, and interaction with learning material. I worked with Mary Gagliano who works with 7th and 8th graders.

The video to the left is my unique documentation for this Field Period. I chose to create a virtual scrapbook of my Field Period experience at World of Inquiry. For the YouTube version, click here.

Below is the agreed upon learning contract for this Field Period:

Learning Contract.doc

The document below is the Summary Paper for this Field Period. The paper addresses my goals and what I learned through my daily activities.

Summary Paper

My Daily Journal below describes each day of my Field Period along with some observations, thoughts and deductions.

Daily Journal
Banner photograph from 50 States 50 Books website.