Extracurricular Activities

Note: This portfolio may contain information that is out of date. For my updated professional portfolio, please click here.

Writer/Editor for the Keukonian

As a writer for the college newspaper, the Keukonian, I had to contribute all types of stories from hard news, feature news, media reviews, and event coverage. I am honored to have earned the Finger Lakes Times Award for Distinguished Journalistic Writing in the Keukonian in my senior year.

Being one of the editors, I had to look over pieces for content, review visual elements, and work with designers on how to place stories. Although I have only been an editor for a short time, I have enjoyed the ability to be more involved with the reviewing process. It has been a way for me to challenge myself to do more than writing and relieve some stress off of other editors, especially when transitioning to an exclusively online format in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Explore the papers below to view some of my work:

Fall 2019 Edition 1.pdf

Scroll through the paper to find my articles "Highlight on Campus Safety" on page 4 and "Media Review: Hollywood's Bleeding" on page 7.

Fall 2019 Edition 2.pdf

Scroll through the paper to find my articles "Manifesto Manifests Controversy" on page 1, "Alternative Spring Break Location Announced" on page 3, and "How to Brrrrave the Snow" on page 5.

Banner photograph taken by me of Keuka Lake region in January 2019.