Field Period Experiences

Note: This portfolio may contain information that is out of date. For my updated professional portfolio, please click here.

Field Period is a program at Keuka College designed to exemplify what it means to be an experiential learner. It is believed that through these experiences, students have a greater understanding of their field of interest and how they fit into that environment. The Field Period must be 140 hours in length and must be completed every year for a total of four experiences. Each student must create goals and objectives for their Field Period that must be addressed later in the Summary Paper. A Daily Journal is also required as well as a form of a Unique Documentation of the experience. This is seen as a class where a student will receive a pass/fail grade based on the discretion of their advisor. For more information about Field Period, click here to be directed to the Field Period web page.

I had the honor of earning both the Freshman Experiential Learner of the Year Award in 2017 and the Field Period & Experiential Learner of the Year award in 2020. I have been the only Keuka College student in its history to receive both of these awards. To see the article published by the institution, you can visit this page on their website:

Keuka College’s Angelina Champagne Repeats as Field Period® and Experiential Learner of the Year

Through these opportunities, I have learned about careers in my field, my weaknesses, strengths, and passions. At each, I learned more about myself than I would ever learn from a classroom. As I immersed myself into the unique culture of each of these places, I was able to picture or not picture myself in that particular job. It helped me to understand more about specific age groups, identity formation, communication, mental health, and different approaches to healing.

Click on the links below to view my Field Period Experiences!

Field Period 2017:

Counseling Intern

Field Period 2018

Research Assistant

Field Period 2019

Art Therapist Intern

Field Period 2020

Alternative Spring Break Student Coordinator

Banner picture taken by me on Keuka Lake in the fall of 2019.