Freshmen Classes

Welcome to Highland FFA! We are glad you are here!

There are three courses that you can enroll in as Freshmen that are apart of the Highland Agriculture Department and FFA Program. These classes are: AFNR (freshmen science), Ag Mechanics (elective) and Floral Design (elective). You can find out more about these classes by reading the descriptions below and scrolling through pictures of the hands on activities you would partake in. It is recommended for students whom wish to enroll in the Ag. Mechanics and Floral Design electives to take the freshmen science course, AFNR, as well. This will be highly beneficial to your student, especially in regard to the FFA and SAE component of our agriculture program. Students are encouraged to begin agriculture courses their freshman year in order to maximize the experiences and opportunities offered to them throughout their educational career at Highland High School. 

We also recommend that each freshmen student sign up for a Home Visit to become better prepared for what to expect in an agriculture class. Home Visits can take place over the summer and will be an assignment once school starts. As of right now, home visits are conducted virtually through zoom. This is a great way to get to know you and your student as well to ease the transition to a new campus and new program.

If you are enrolling in our program and would like to know more information about your student raising a an animal for the Kern County Fair, please see the section at the bottom of the page and fill out the google form for more information.

Freshmen Course Descriptions

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (AFNR): A-G Physical Labratory Science. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (AFNR) is the newest addition to the Agriscience Pathway within the Highland Agriculture Department. Throughout this year long course, students will be exposed to numerous agricultural topics including the science behind agriculture, plants & animals, natural resources, and future careers within the industry. Aside from developing core educational skills, students will become proficient in effective communication, leadership, and parliamentary procedure. 

AFNR is designed to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities to familiarize them with industry relevant equipment and techniques. The  

utilize industry relevant equipment and techniques that will better prepare them for future careers in Science and the Agriculture Industry. Along with their coursework, students will be graded on participation in intracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. 

Intro to Agricultural Mechanics: A-G Elective, BC dual enrolled for MCAG B2. Introduction to Mechanized Agriculture- Introductory course for freshman as is the first class in the Mechanized Agriculture Pathway. The course is a year long course which is designed to introduce the student to basic shop skills necessary to develop a well rounded agricultural mechanics program areas of study include; plumbing, wood(construction), metal(welding & fabrication), electrical,ect.  Throughout the course, students will be graded on participation in intracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program.

This course is also a pre-requisite for Ag Mechanics 2.

Intro to Floral Design (Floral 1): A-G Fine Arts Elective. Introduction to Floral Design is a part of the Ornamental Horticulture pathway. In floral design you will learn about the basic skills and techniques used in the floral industry, as well as the art principles that guide the designing process. Main course topics include the elements and principles of design, shapes of arrangements, proper care and handling of flowers, seasonal designs, flowers to wear, and weddings to name a few. With each topic we complete projects and hands on activities so that you can practice and fine tune the techniques that would make you successful in the floral industry. Some examples of what you will make in the floral design class includes holiday arrangements, bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, centerpieces, vases, garlands, and more! Working with flowers is fun, uplifting, and provides a creative outlet for you to explore. If you enjoy the introduction class, we also offer an advanced floral design class to broaden and fine tune your design skills. Additionally, as a part of the FFA program, you will also be graded on participation in intracurricular FFA activities as well as the development and maintenance of an on going Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. 

This course is a pre-requisite for Advanced Floral Design.

This course is most effective when concurrently enrolled with AFNR.

The Freshman Experience

The first year in Ag at Highland is filled with experiences that will prepare you for your future. You will learn and practice real world agriculture skills in the classroom, as well as participate and gain valuable leadership skills through FFA activities, competitions and conferences. You will build life long friendships with FFA members from around the state while you travel to every major Ag University including UC Davis, CSU Chico, Fresno State, and Cal Poly SLO. Opportunities await.... so what are you waiting for?? Sign up today! 

Kern County Fair Show Team

Being a member of the Highland High School Show Team is a great way for a freshman members to get started with their SAE project. If you are enrolling in an agriculture class this Fall as a freshman, and are interested in learning about what joining our show team entails, please join us for an informational meeting on April 20, 2023 at 6pm.