U.S. History

Steps for Success!

I've created a shortlist of Steps for Success in hopes of helping each of you transition into U.S. History!

Covid - 19 Addendum:

* Support of my students during these uncertain times is paramount. Please let me know if you need to access various supportive measures!

One Week To Go... (August 31 - September 3)

* Time Management: Have you thought about how you want to become involved in the Kearsarge community and how you want to balance that time with your academic life.

* Academic Rigor: It is also important to consider how high school academics differ greatly from middle school.

* Communication: Think about how both you the student and the parent will make time to communicate about the high school experience, extra curricular activities, academics, etc.

* Become familiar with the resources available at Kearsarge! Struggling in a class? National Honor Society provides tutoring to students who would like it! Have you visited the School Counseling website? It has a wealth of great information!


* Check Power School, ensure that all of your demographic information (phone number, emergency contacts, guardian emails, & etc) and schedule is correct and up to date. If not, email your School Counselor, Ms. Tenney: ntenney@kearsarge.org (A - K) and a Mrs. Schrader: rschrader@kearsarge.org to be determined (L - Z)

* Check your e - mail to gather information regarding the upcoming school year and email your teachers to introduce yourself.

* Check your teacher's websites and see the course descriptions!

* Have you read about the Summer Read program ?

* Looking to join a Club or Extra Curricular Opportunity, check out the Student Life List

* Have you purchased commonly needed school supplies?

* In my classes this year for example, I recommend that students should have the following items:

      • Subject notebook

      • Colored pencils

      • 3 Highlighters (each a different color)

      • Markers

      • Folder

      • Headphones

      • Pens / Pencils

General Supplies for All Subjects

  • Backpack with computer sleeve (or separate sleeve for Chromebook)

  • Writing tools (pens or pencils)

  • Pencil sharpener (or mechanical pencils that don’t need sharpening)

  • Case to store writing tools

  • Eraser (“kneaded” erasers double as a anti-stress / ADHD fidget support)

  • Printer (while not essential, this can significantly help students that need to take a break from a screen or help those families that choose to limit time on a device).

  • Chromebook (your school issued Chromebook or personal device should be with you in school for all courses)

IF you have any questions, please feel free to email me at croddy@kearsarge.org