Turnitin.com Info

Turnitin.com Info

Students and parents should be aware that most essays will be turned in and assessed using the Turnitin.com website. Turnitin.com allows for paperless submission and specific feedback through the website. I will be assessing the work and students are encouraged to utilize the comments and the rubrics for specific ways to improve their writing. Students are always able to conference with me for more specific assistance.

*Remember that ANY Assessment that is typed for your class MUST be submitted via www.turnitin.com!*

Class ID numbers for 2019 - 2020 Classes:

Class Period Class ID Enrollment Key

Remember, your email that you set up your Turnitin.com account is your ID, so remember your ID! Write your Turnitin ID and Password in your Agenda! (Your best bet is to utilize your Kearsarge email & Password!!)