Other Useful Information


At Kaitangata we take pride in our uniform. Most items can be purchased at the Warehouse but we also have some second hand uniform available. The girl's culottes are made for us and can be purchased through the school office. Please ensure that clothing is clearly named so that we can return lost property to it's owner. Any lost, un-named property will be kept on a table near the office for a term.

See the attached Uniform Policy below:

Uniform Policy 

Travelling To and From School

Children are encouraged to walk to and from school with others.

Children under the age of 8 are not allowed to bike to school. The Police recommendation is that children are 10 years old before cycling to school on their own. If parents wish their child to bike to school under this age, they must write a note absolving the school from any responsibility. Children must wear a helmet and have a sound knowledge of road rules.

Children travelling on the school buses must wear hi-vis vests which are provided by the school. We have trained bus monitors who rigidly enforce safe behaviour.

All children travelling by car must wear seat-belts and children under 7 years should be in booster seats. Children must be dropped off and picked up from the school side of the street.

The Board of Trustees has purchased its own minibus. This assists with transport to school activities and also provides daily transport for students from Balclutha.

Religious Education (Launchpad)

This is held on Thursdays 1:30-2:00. Dates are on the term plan. Parents are able to opt their children to attend this. They move up to the prefab classrooms and all other classes operate as usual. The prefab classrooms are technically "closed" for the duration of these lessons.


Our school believes that learning is a partnership between home and school. Junior children will be provided with a reading book and it is expected that they read at home every night. These books are carried in a protective folder to prevent damage. Children may also have basic words, spelling or basic maths facts to practise. Senior students should be in the habit of reading for pleasure. Children also have access to online learning activities using "Mathletics", "Reading Eggs" or Google Docs which they can use at home. Class teachers will send a note home informing parents of the expectations for their particular class.

Ka ora Ka aho Healthy School Lunch Programme

We are very lucky to be part of this free lunches in school programme. Lunches are provided by the local Crescent Bar and Grill.

In the Winter terms, we are provided with hot lunches 3 times each week. Friday is pizza day.

Students only need to bring their morning tea snacks and a water bottle to school.