Enrolling a Student
Parents of Prospective new entrants will be invited to attend our Transition to School sessions with their child. These begin the term before school entry and are held on Tuesdays.
These sessions are with a trained teacher who is able to work with children 1 to 1. Parents also attend these sessions and are provided with materials and resources to take home. Your child wil to basic literacy and numeracy skills together with other skills necessary for the classroom. eg holding a pencil, cutting, recognising colours etc. This will ensure that transition to school is as seamless as possible.
It is vital that we have a record of your child's name and birthday along with contact details a year in advance of school entry so that we are able to organise these sessions.
Before your child turns five, you will be contacted by the Health Nurse for a "Before School" Check.
You will also be required to complete an enrolment form which is available for our school office. We need to see your child's birth certificate and immunisation record and student visa (for overseas students)
Once enrolled, children are expected to attend school on a daily basis and they must legally be enrolled by the age of 6 unde the Education Act.