Student Misbehavior

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Misbehavior on Bus

I would like to make you aware of a recent situation and solicit your help as a partner in your child’s safety. This week, several students behaved in a very inappropriate manner on the school bus. Disciplinary action has been taken and disciplinary protocol will be followed using school board policy.

At XXXXX, we have high standards of conduct that are expected of all students. Please encourage your child to report any behavior that could in any way compromise their safety or the safety of others on the bus. Working together, we can maintain a safe educational experience for your child. Join me in stressing to your children the importance of respecting themselves and each other.



Editable Google Doc: Misbehavior on Bus


On DATE at XXXXX, students contacted a counselor with information about inappropriate images on electronic devices. The counselor immediately brought the information to the attention of school administration and administration contacted law enforcement. Subsequently, administration conducted an investigation of students in the presence of the counselor and Officer XXXXX of the XXXXX Police Department.

The investigation revealed unrelated incidents of inappropriate photo sharing. The parents of the students who were involved in the activity were contacted and disciplinary actions were taken by the school administration.

The investigation and disciplinary actions at XXXXX are complete and school has resumed as normal for all students involved.

Thank you,


Editable Google Doc: Sexting

Student Fighting

On DATE at approximately XX:XX, a fight occured at XXXXX. (Explain fighting incident [i.e. where it was located, how many students involved, if the police are involved, etc.]).

As of DATE, we can confirm (CERTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT individuals [i.e. employees, faculty, students, etc.] DELETE THIS SECTION IF NO CONFIRMED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE).

At XXXXX, we have high standards of conduct that are expected of all students. Please encourage your student to report any behavior that could in any way compromise their safety or the safety of others. Working together, we can maintain a safe educational experience for all students. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Editable Google Doc: Student Fighting