The Common Application

It is VERY important that you complete your Common Application correctly in order for required documents to be submitted. The Application Guide button below goes over in detail how to set up your application.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

In the application you'll be asked if you want to waive the right to review confidential letters of recommendation.

You must WAIVE YOUR RIGHTS in order for Counselors and Teachers to submit Letters of Recommendation on your behalf.

  • Waiving your right lets colleges know that you do not intend to read your recommendations, which helps reassure colleges that the letters are candid and truthful.

  • Some recommenders may decline to write a letter for you if you do not waive your rights. Check with your counselor or teachers to see if any of them follow such a policy.

If you have any questions about this, please talk to Mrs. Inaba BEFORE submitting your application.

It is important that you ASSIGN Counselor and Recommenders to complete School Reports and Letters of Recommendations. The button to the left shows you how to do this.

To assign Mrs. Inaba as your counselor, please use the following information and email:

Mrs. Colleen Inaba


Common App colleges want to make sure that application fees do not pose a barrier for any student who wishes to apply for admission. If you feel that your financial circumstances might qualify you for an application fee waiver, you can request a fee waiver in the Common App fee waiver section in the profile section.

This guide offers 60+ pages of guidance to help you craft your very best Common App.

Tips to help you with the Common App:

  • So You Want to Talk About COVID-19 in Your Application- What to - and not to - do- Click HERE