College & Career Planning
Career Planning
It is never too early to start planning for a career! The following link can help you to research possible careers and to learn what kind of post-high school education and training is needed!
College Planning
It is never too early to start planning for college! The following links break things down by grade levels to help you stay on track with your plans!
College Planning Grades 9 & 10
College Planning Resources for Everyone
Honolulu Magazine College Guide 2024
The Guide- College Admissions & Financial Aid Guide for All Students
A Family's Guide to College Admissions
MckInley HS College & Career Planning Supports and Programs
College & Career Planning Class Visits —Post High School Counselor and Career Services Coordinator meet with seniors once in the fall and juniors in the fall & spring to go over important tasks and information related to college & career planning.
Individual Conferences — Individual conferences to discuss post high plans are scheduled upon request starting in the spring of junior year.
College Financial Aid Information Night-held in the fall at our school. Open to all students and parents.
Jr. College & Career Planning Night--Information night for juniors and their parents held in the spring. Information regarding college planning and financial aid are covered.
College & Career Speakers—about 50 local and mainland college admission and career reps visit us each fall (few in the spring as well). Students sign up in the College & Career Center. Teacher permission is required to attend. Open to all students.
College Kick Start Workshops—Students will build their college list, learn about the application process, Common Application, the college essay, letters of recommendation, financial aid, scholarships and more. Held in the spring. For juniors only.
Personal Transition Plan (PTP) - Guidance activities and assignments are provided through Advisory periods held monthly during 20/20. This takes place throughout their four years of high school. Students must complete these assignments in order to earn a semester credit which is required for graduation. Students are awarded this credit in the second semester of their senior year. The PTP provides students with knowledge and skills in learning about themselves, exploring life goals, careers and occupations, relating school subjects to future career needs, and making tentative long and short-range educational and/or career plans.
PSAT/NMSQT® Test—Fall—All students in gr. 9-11 are able to register for this exam that is given on campus once a year in the fall. Registration information is available in the College & Career Center, A119. The test is administered once a year.
ASVAB® Test-Fall & Spring—The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. Students in grades 10-12 can sign up to take the test to help with career planning. This test is administered on campus once in the fall and spring.
Advanced Placement—AP® Program The AP curriculum, administered by The College Board, consists of standardized high school courses that are roughly equivalent to undergraduate college courses. After completing an AP class, students typically take the AP exam in that subject, which can earn them credits and accelerated placement in college. Registration for courses takes place in November for the following school year. Application forms and fees are required.
Dual Credit/Running Start ProgramRunning Start is a program that allows “eligible” high school students to take a college course at a UH-System Community College campus as part of their high school coursework. The unique partnership between the Hawaii State Department of Education and the University of Hawaii System allows public and charter high school students to attend college classes during the fall, spring, and summer while earning both high school and college credits. Deadline for students to meet with the Post High School Counselor is Oct. 1 for Spring semester and Feb. 1 for Summer and Fall semesters.
Dual Credit/Early College--
College & Career Fair Fall and Spring —Students are invited to attend the NACAC College Fair. Several of the Academies will schedule field trips to the fair with their students. Students and families can attend on their own. Register for the fairs at:
Local College Campus Tours--driven by student interest. Dates and information to be announced. Freshman Houses and Academies also schedule campus tours for their students.
Other Important Information
Do you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch?
If you believe you may qualify for free or reduced lunch, even though you DO NOT eat school lunches, your are encouraged to apply! You must re-apply every year! You can do so at:
You may be eligible for the following:
PSAT fee waiver(gr. 11 only)
ACT & SAT fee waiver
College application fee waiver
AP exam reduced fee
NCAA Clearinghouse application fee waiver
Please check with Mrs. Inaba in the College and Career Center to see if you qualify!
Do you qualify for testing accommodations?
Students who need accommodations for testing should speak to their IEP teacher at the beginning of their junior year in high school.
College Planning for Families
The college admission process is all-consuming process for families. And planning for college can be stressful enough without adding parent-teen angst into the mix. Here are five steps to ready families and students for the total college experience:
Research, Prepare Applications and Apply
Pay for College
Enroll at College
Navigate the College Experience
Prepare for Life after College (Employment, Graduate School, etc.)
Students will need their parent or guardian’s input to complete certain paperwork; let them know immediately. And remember, as hard as it gets, there are people available to help your family every step of the way.