
Course details: Board and Specification: Edexcel 9PL0 

To those of you considering studying Politics at A level 

Here is a link to the specification:


- Congratulations on choosing such an interesting and relevant subject! 

- I’ve put together some preparation work for you to consider over the summer:

1. Just to be clear, we are studying the following options as part of the Edexcel 2017 specification:

Year 12: Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas (Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism) all compulsory

Year 12: Paper 2: UK Government and Non-Core Political Ideas (our chosen non-core option is Anarchism, we do NOT study any of the other non-core optional ideologies)

Year 13: Paper 3b: Comparative Politics: Global Politics (we are NOT studying the USA option)

2 Here is a link to the Edexcel ‘Getting Started Guide’ which provides much guidance on the content covered in the course: https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/A%20Level/Politics/2017/Specification%20and%20sample%20assessments/A-level-Politics-Specification.pdf 

3 We have also subscribed to the excellent online Politics resource: PRECHEWED POLITICS

Username: Kgalvin@judd.kent.sch.uk

Password: Marx 1848

This site contains 100 plus short voiced over clips which (to date) link to all aspects of our year 12 politics – except anarchism.  There are worksheets/templates for you to print off – so that you can write notes on each clip.  Additionally, there are extra case studies which link to each section of the year 12 course to supplement your knowledge.

4 There is a requirement that you investigate the following areas of the specification as detailed case studies.  In advance, ou may well wish to prepare one side of A4 on any of the following:

i) One pre 1997 Prime minister AND one post 1997 Prime minister - both of your own choice

ii) Three general elections: 

iii) The work of a current movement to extend the franchise

iv) The methods and influences of two different pressure groups - - both of your own choice, highlighting how tier methods and influence vary.

v) The work of two contemporary civil liberties pressure groups - both of your own choice

vi) The ideas and policies of two minor political parties in the UK (according to the specification, this includes any parties apart from The Labour Party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democratic Party

vii) Comparison of First Past The Post to another electoral system in a devolved parliament/assembly.

5 Here is a link to a booklet which introduces issues from Global Politics (paper three).  Spend some time considering the sources: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/search?q=human%20rights%20humanitarioan%20intervention%20and%20the%20EU 

5. Many of you have asked me what textbooks we are currently using in year 12.  As we are following the Edexcel (2017) course, we do have some degree of choice. The Judd school will provide you with a selection of the books listed below but some of you may find cheap copies on ebay etc.  However, this is not essential – and I only provide this information because I have been asked by several would-be politics students.  Please be aware that Politics is a fast moving subject and no textbook will ever be completely up to date (except perhaps for the political ideas section). 

6. .…and finally, there is no escaping Politics in the news!  Please make sure that you are following as it unfolds!

Please be aware that you can contact me for any advice or guidance at kgalvin@judd.kent.sch.uk

I’m looking forward to meeting and teaching you in the future!

Ms K J Galvin 

Head of Politics and Economics