Physical Education

A Level Physical Education at The Judd School

Course details: Board and Specification: AQA 7582 

Studying Physical Education at A Level is an excellent way to develop understanding of yourself through sport and physical activity.

Unlike most A Level courses, Physical Education is a combination of three complete different subject areas:

Physiology and Biomechanics


Sociology and History

If you are interested in any or all of these areas, specifically relating to sport, then this subject will offer you many avenues of inquiry to explore and apply to your everyday life.

At Judd, the A Level PE course is split into these 3 subject areas and delivered by 3 different staff members.

Section A: Applied Anatomy and Physiology; Biomechanics & Exercise Physiology

Section B: Skill Acquisition & Sports Psychology

Section C: Sport and Society and Technology

Attached is the course outline of when each topic is intended to be delivered.
(A Level PE SoW - Yearly)

These topics are assessed in two 2-hour exams in the Summer of Year 13.

Paper 1: Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport

Paper 2: Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport

Each paper is marked out of 105 and is worth 35% of the A Level qualification.

Alongside this is also the Non-exam assessment (NEA) part of the course which is worth 30% of the A Level qualification.

The NEA is split into two equal parts.

Part 1: Performance Assessment Analysis

Part 2: Practical Assessment

All of the NEA is internally assessed and externally moderated.

Below are some suggestions of what students could complete before the course commences:





Wider engagement in Physical Education

Wider engagement in Physical Education For all GCSE and A Level Physical Education 

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