
PLS Planning, Collecting Data, Effectiveness of Intervention

In Depth Explanation on Rationale & How to Use Agenda Templates

When analyzing student data it is important to NOT solely focus on benchmarking, since it's a screener, but to also dive into what is actually taking place in the classroom. Throughout our conversations when looking at data we want to make sure to analyze all three tiers and not solely focusing on students who are struggling, but ALL of our students all of the Time.

During this conversation, teachers need to focus on:

IF 70% of students have met their goal, then it is an effective intervention group and the team will decide what action to take for the intervention group. (See agenda for possible next steps.)

IF 70% of students did not meet the goal, then the intervention group is not effective and the group will discuss the possibilities of why. (See agenda for possible concerns to discuss.)

Teachers will identify and collaborate on the following

Understanding            Student Growth

This video will visually explain student growth vs. where they currently stand with their current performance percentile.