
We use assessments to guide the development of individual students as well as to 

monitor and continuously guide the quality of our programs.

Formal Assessments

Universal Screener



Informal Assessments


Anecdotal Notes

Student Conferences

Informal Conversations


iReady is our universal benchmarking tool based on direct, frequent, and continuous student assessment based on criterion and national norms. This assessment is administered to students three times a year: Fall, Winter, and Spring. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers and administrators to determine instructional needs.


IAR is the Illinois Assessment of Readiness state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core and is administered in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

The Illinois link is temporarily down, so we are using the NJ link in the meantime until ours is back up and running. 



Elementary, Sped Middle School, and all Title teachers use the Literably as a deeper diagnostic assessment for readingTeachers can listen to a student read one on one to identify individual needs of each student in the five areas of reading: Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary.  We use this assessment three times a year while also having the flexibility to monitor monthly if a teacher wishes.


Middle School Title teachers will use the qualitative reading inventory (QrI) as a reliable informal reading inventory. It contains word lists and passages both narrative and expository up through high school levels. These short passages will allow Title teachers to identify the independent, instructional, and frustrational levels of their students.

Progress monitoring tools are used to gauge how our academic instruction is effectively and efficiently increasing  student progress. 

Below, are resources that teachers in our district use to help monitor student progress. Teachers may choose from this list to best fit their needs or they also have the flexibility to utilize additional resources outside of these options as well.