Academic Achievement
Complete the following:
Earn a GPA of 2.5 at West Jordan High School. The student's counselor will verify that the student has earned at least a 2.5 GPA with a signature on the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet.
Complete one of the following:

Clinical / Practicum Completion. Student will successfully complete a clinical or practicum experience as certified by their program instructor on the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet. The Clinical-Practicum Reflection Document must also be included in the student portfolio.
Complete two courses in the following areas: AP, Concurrent Enrollment, Honors, or IB Courses. The student must be enrolled in, complete, and receive credit with a passing grade in two AP, Concurrent, Honors, or IB courses in order for this item to be considered complete. The course teachers must each sign the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet and the student must print out a copy of his/her final grade for each class from Skyward (or provide a copy of your final report card) and include it in the portfolio.
Presentation / Skills Demonstration. Student will conduct a formal classroom presentation as defined and certified by one of his/her teachers. A copy of the presentation must be included in the student portfolio and the teacher must sign the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet.

Writing Sample / Student Reflection. The student must complete the Student Reflection Writing Sample (related to the JATC Program or CTE Pathway the student is pursuing) for inclusion in the student portfolio. The student's counselor will sign the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet to indicate that the student has completed this activity in addition to the writing sample being submitted as part of the portfolio.

Participate in a JATC Program. The student must be enrolled in, complete, and receive credit with a passing grade in a JATC Program and fill out the Participation in a JATC Program Documentation form (below) for this item to be considered complete. The JATC program instructor must also sign the Student Portfolio Tracking Sheet.