Sources of Strength

What is Sources of Strength? 

"The mission of Sources of Strength is to prevent adverse outcomes by increasing wellbeing, help-seeking, resiliency, healthy coping, and belonging. Sources of Strength moves beyond a singular focus on risk factors by utilizing an upstream approach for youth suicide prevention. This upstream model strengthens multiple sources of support, or protective factors, for young people so that when times get hard, they have strengths to rely on.

-Sources of Strength

At WJHS SOS is headed up by peer leaders from various groups throughout our school.  Together with their advisor, Robyn Briggs, and other mentors, these peer leaders are helping to build a culture of resiliency and fun by organizing activities and campaigns meant to involve all students at WJHS.  See our social media and activity schedule below to get more information and get involved!    

WJHS Sources of Strength Mission Statement

Follow Us on Social Media!

SOS Social Media.pdf

Robyn Briggs, SOS Advisor
