Bunaken 2024 Daily Summaries

Day 4: April 26, 2024

Our day began early with our optional sunrise beach activities and students running along the beach, playing cornhole, or simply lounging on the beach watching the moon set and the sun rise. Today we put our newly minted kayak skills to the test as we explored the nearby mangroves. Students maneuvered a nearby river to observe the mangrove ecosystem. The tide was in our favor when we returned to Telunas for one last round of deck jumping and beach games. 

In the afternoon, students played ‘middleman fishing’ to learn about the economics of fishing. They negotiated, swindled, and strong-armed their way to the top. Students also did some self-guided intertidal studies catching and releasing crabs and slugs and shrimp. 

Riau gifted us with an amazing sunset to celebrate our last night. We ended our night with a bonfire where students shared their fondest memories, thanked their classmates and advisors, roasted marshmallows, and shared some of their talents to everyone’s great amusement. We are sad to leave this beautiful place, but also excited to go home tomorrow and see our families. 

Day 3: April 25, 2024

Today we had the opportunity to visit the local village of Tanisusu about 20 minutes by longboat from Telanus resort where many of the staff live. One of the staff members offers free English lessons to the children and served as our guide and teacher. Upon arrival, students were welcomed by local government officials and treated to traditional desserts and tea. Students had the opportunity to learn the local sport of takraw from some local players, young children demonstrated their wrist skills for gasing, and female volleyball players challenged our students to a some competitive volleyball matches. Students also learned different local fishing techniques such as kelong, crabbing, and hand line fishing. Finally, we learned about the lack of government trash systems and how villagers are struggling with the modern reliance on plastic. We picked up trash with some of the village students and saw the different housing along the beautiful island shore. Students represented themselves and their school well, pitching in, interacting with new people, and asking questions about village life and fishing practices to develop their understanding of the region. 

We returned to Telanus in the afternoon and celebrated with more deck jumping into the ocean to cool off and refresh. Students then had an opportunity to reflect in their journals and enjoy some free time in the lounge and at the beach. Everyone is looking forward to pizza on the beach tonight and spending time with the other Riau crew before they depart. 

Tomorrow we will have an early start to kayak along the mangroves and see more of the diverse wildlife in the area.

Day 2: April 24, 2024

Our first full day in Riau was packed with adventure, learning, and fun. In the morning we braved the waves and the wind and learned kayak safety, getting in and out of our kayaks, lining up, and rowing in semi-straight lines. Students surfed the waves and rowed along the bay. After our kayaking orientation, students learned about the species in intertidal environments and the benefits of mangroves. Students then traveled by longboat to another nearby island to learn about the Telunas conversation projects and plant mangroves to help protect this beautiful ecosystem. The highlight of the day was definitely deck jumping as students launched themselves with great grace and enthusiasm into the ocean. Most also challenged themselves to do the higher deck level and contemplate life on the long, long descent into the ocean. Not done yet, after some downtime of swimming, football, ping-pong, and volleyball on the beach, students are heading out this evening to try their hand at shrimping along the shore.

Day 1: April 23, 2024

We have arrived at Riau! Students worked together to smoothly transition from plane to bus to speed boat to the lovely Telunas Resort on Sugi Island. True to our ‘Refuse Single Use Plastic’ pledge, students brought reusable bottles and made good choices in breakfast and snack treats at the airport. Despite a long morning of travel, students were excited to hit the ground running and, after quick introductions from our Telunas staff, hiked up to the Telunas ropes course. Working together to cheer each other through different, challenging obstacles, students navigated various courses trying to beat each other’s times. As the sun set and the full moon rose, students took a dip in the ocean or played football on the beach before dinner. Everyone is now reflecting in their ESP journals and preparing for tomorrow’s adventure.