How might social media be impacting my student's mental health?


Social media can provide community and positive connection, but it may also impact people's mental health negatively. It is important to be aware of the challenges and ways to overcome them.


CLICK IMAGES to explore resources related to social media and mental health.

Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

For nearly all teens in the U.S., social media is a fact of life. According to the Pew Research Center, social media is “nearly ubiquitous” in the lives of teens. From the perspective of most teens and many parents and educators, this is good news: social media benefits adolescents and teens by helping them develop communication skills, make friends, pursue areas of interest, and share thoughts and ideas.

Family Social Standards Agreement

Determining family/community social standards about using technology and social media can be a challenge. Use this document to help create an agreement that keeps things positive. Talk with each member of your home or group about each element that might cause issues (priorities, sleep times, etc.).

Help Teens Manage the Effects of Social Media on Their Mental Health

Nearly four in 10 teens and young adults (38%) reported symptoms of moderate to severe depression in 2020, up from 25% in 2018. We often assume social media only amplifies the issue, but the truth is more complicated.

Teens can use social media and the internet to find mental health information, advice, or support. But teens with mental health challenges can be at risk for unhealthy behavior online.


Here are some questions to consider asking your student to spark conversation about this topic.


  • How do you feel when you use (app or website)?

  • Does anything online ever make you feel bad?

  • What can you do when you feel bad to make you feel better?


  • How do you feel when you use (app or website)?

  • Does anything about social media make you feel 'less than good'? What is it?

  • What can you do to avoid feeling bad online? What other activities would cheer you up?

  • Who can you talk to about your feelings (friend, parent, other trusted adult, etc.)?
